Fight for Trump – IOTW Report

Fight for Trump

It’s worldwide.

17 Comments on Fight for Trump

  1. Most of the GOP is defined as a spineless one celled creature …
    Incapable of standing to protect the lifeblood of their party,
    If it was not for Donald Trump, they would be shoveled out of the stable,
    Along with the rest of the horse droppings.

  2. Since the Supreme Court as showed there true colors the radicals on the left are going full tilt left.

    People will soon awaken that have been believing the crap from the MSM. This will soon change.

    God Bless Donald Trump and his family. I will always stand by him.

  3. “People will soon awaken that have been believing the crap from the MSM. This will soon change.”

    Nobody with a lick of common sense believes any of it. Followers of the progressive movement feign belief, but the fact is they find the narrative useful in that it advances their political agenda and excuse away the fact that it is out and out hogwash.

  4. You make a good point JD. True leftest will never open their minds, they are just blind followers that see all cops as bad, all government good and want everything for nothing and care not to work for it or follow the rules (law).
    But I also know many older democrats that are not aware of what is going on in Portland or Seattle. They believe the lock-downs are to protect us and that masks actually stop a virus that are just a fraction of a micron. They watch the morning talk shows to get their news. Ughhh.

    Lets see what they think when Antifa shows up at their house demanding it be theirs, block the roads they take to town and beat them up for no reason that they can understand.
    Slowly many will become aware. But that still leaves the voting system that has been corrupted. Since the SCOTUS will not act it will probably come down to what Euragone says.

  5. It is astounding to me that NOT EVEN ONE Democrat has come forward and acknowledged this gigantic theft. They are totally amoral and do not give a damn about the future of this country. Every one of them is a traitor to the Constitution.
    All they see is short-term gain (for them). The long-term peril to our country does not enter their tiny skulls.


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