Fighting Massive Voter Fraud – IOTW Report

Fighting Massive Voter Fraud

Protect The Vote – The RNC and the Trump campaign are aggressively fighting back against the Democrats’ assault on the integrity of our elections. All across the country, Democrats are trying to use coronavirus and the courts to legalize ballot harvesting, implement a nationwide mail-in ballot system, and eliminate nearly every safeguard in our elections.

Read what they are doing and where they are fighting HERE.

9 Comments on Fighting Massive Voter Fraud

  1. This may be going OUT there BUT.

    Who votes? In general that is? The elderly

    Who will be eager to vote? The elderly

    Who watches their house mail box and not the ‘e-mail in box’? The elderly

    Who will stay home on election day because they might fear getting sick, these daze? At the election location?? The elderly

    Who tends to vote for reps as opposed to dems?? Again, in general that is? The elderly

    What young person will be eager to even vote for Hiden Biden?? By mail or by walk in? THis voting cycle? Gropey Joe IS NOT The Choomer in Chief (the youth appeal), that was then and this is now.

    WHY is the press pushing so hard for this? Because DJT is making a ‘big deal out of it’. That’s WHY!

    Conclusion: This COULD benefit DJT and the Reps, in a general way. Of course their some people will not fit into the above BUT I think MOST will.

    Just another crazy theory of mine…

  2. I think those of us that pay attention to the trends and suspect there will be a massive effort to steal the election should make plans for a mass refusal to accept whoever is installed in office. No payment of taxes, no compliance with new laws and orders issued and full and complete refusal to recognize the usurpers.
    Be ready for force and ensure all are mutually supported.

  3. From the Dimwit perspective thar haint a problem. All the mail handlers is good union members. They haunt never lost a vote of oursl The 28M they lost was all right wingers, We need to vote by mail to win, otherwise we is out!

  4. Take your average rabid leftwing nut job government employee mail carrier pissed off everyday delivering mail to houses with Trump supporting yard signs, bumper stickers, etc. Plus the unions already know the voting breakdowns of neighborhoods. Who’s votes do you think will never make it from point A to B?

  5. The whole election will boil down to defeating the left’s planned voter fraud.

    Since they can’t win on policy, the ONLY way they can win is through fraud.

    I’m glad to hear that Trump is addressing this threat seriously.

  6. DH has to vote early. He is a judge in a precinct about 12 miles down the road. I went with him on the way back from the chemo shop today. Yes, big voter fraud for more than 60 years in the dem county. BUT that is in the DIM part of the county in DIM controlled areas. That area learned fro Chicago. Theyare having trouble finding Repub judges and other repub inside poll workers.

    The particular polling place where we voted said they were really busy today. We were there just after 6:30 pm.


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