(rare) Film by Obama’s Sister of His Trip to Kenya – IOTW Report

(rare) Film by Obama’s Sister of His Trip to Kenya

Rarely seen footage of Obama’s trip with Michelle. What have I learned?

-His name is pronounced like army Barrack, not the way he says it.

-He was smug then.

-He smoked a lot.

-They considered him white.

ht/ unruly refugee


21 Comments on (rare) Film by Obama’s Sister of His Trip to Kenya

  1. How can you BFH/ Unruly Ref/ give us this bullshit. which most of us are pretty well aware of for years, yet never give us a portion of Church Militant, Michael Voris, which I have been sending you for years. I mean what the fuck is it with you? This shit is over.

  2. I don’t know about that Jerry. I lasted about a minute and a half-I fucking hate this cockweasel so deeply that hearing him lie like this about his father and his noble intentions…it pegged my fucking meter real quick.

    “white man’s magic” What a fucking crock of bullshit. Africans coming here and trying to absorb our magic dirt so they can go back to their shitholes and try and have a Rule of Law society is laughable. Obama spinning his crap is sickening.

  3. The whole thing looked and sounded like a dress rehearsal for campaigning. Some stills from this “rare” film have been published before.
    This will probably be running on a loop at the entrance of his ego centric library.

  4. @Moe Tom
    FWIW I don’t know or care what the above beef is about and I normally don’t interject in discussions on religion, but this peaked my curiosity and so I looked up Voris for a couple of reasons.
    1) I’m not catholic but my spouse, although raised Catholic left the church,’along with 7 siblings (various reasons but most importantly did not feel spiritually fed.). My MIL is devout and although I don’t abide the church tenets/practices, I am in awe of her steadfast servitude. I’ve had discussions/questions with her over the years and out of respect have never spoken against her beliefs. Nor would I denegrate anyone’s faith/belief (I lied. The “ideology” cloaked as religion that begins with an “I”).
    2) I learn so much from comments, oftentimes more so than the blog or article and if a post contains a recommendation, I’ll check it out and if it looks legit I proceed.

    Seems like Voris has his head on straight when it comes to his recognition of and courage to speak out on topics of hierarchy within the church and especially the hoax that is climate change. He rightfully pinpoints the socialist march within the church, like many churches of other faiths today, e.g. One World Religion.
    It’s apparent with Pope Francis’ Marxism cloaked in unity, open borders to take in the least of us, wealthy vs poor, etc all the while fixated on climate change, Voris is sure to be an outcast for his political incorrectness. Kudos to him!

    So while you may be disappointed Voris’ videos haven’t been posted here at iotw, someone did discover something new today! Thank you!

  5. Proof of the absence of Time Travel.
    Because surely somebody exists in the future with a modicum of sense, and would have surely came back through time and beat his ass to a pulp.
    As I would have done several times to Lazlo the Younger if I had the chance.

  6. White Noise. Thank you for your reply. You are one of very few. I was baptized Catholic, and I remain a simple Catholic, not a devout Catholic like Pelosi, Biden, Tim Kaine etc.
    The Church has had many crisis over the centuries and has survived; the question today is, will America survive without the Church? Michael Voris is one of the few voices we have pointing out the evils we encounter.

  7. Two things that has me curious about “Moe Tom” and if this is really him.

    1. He wrote to BigFurHat and Unruly Refugee: “Now you give us a wonderful video about his fucking family? GFY”
    That seems incredibly out of character to tell BigFurHat and Unruly Refugee to “GFY”

    2. Where’s his funny avatar?

    Hey. I could be wrong.

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