Final Legal Hurdle Cleared For First Federal Execution In 17 Years – IOTW Report

Final Legal Hurdle Cleared For First Federal Execution In 17 Years


A federal appeals court ruled Sunday that the first federal execution in nearly two decades can proceed as scheduled on Monday.

The ruling from the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturns a lower court order that had put the execution of 47-year-old Daniel Lewis Lee on hold.

Lee, of Yukon, Oklahoma, had been scheduled to die by lethal injection on Monday at a federal prison in Indiana. He was convicted in Arkansas of the 1996 killings of gun dealer William Mueller, his wife, Nancy, and her 8-year-old daughter, Sarah Powell. More

There had been a last minute filing by the relatives of Lee’s victims to stay the execution long enough for them to travel there and witness the murder’s demise, but it looks like the appeals court won’t hear their case. More

12 Comments on Final Legal Hurdle Cleared For First Federal Execution In 17 Years

  1. Capital punishment is moral. A life for a life.


    Let’s face it, folks.
    The central bank has turned capitalism into a joke. We are not a capitalist country now. It is delusional to still call this capitalism.
    The politicians are getting down on a knee and bowing to criminal mobs who running loose creating chaos in America.

    This is where we are at. Daydreaming that we are something else is a delusion.
    The present path is oblivion. Unless there are major changes, you can kiss this country goodbye. Nobody wants to face it, but it’s the truth.

  2. Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan just put an injunction on this execution!

    xxx, If you haven’t noticed, President Trump has put the Central bank into the Treasury where he has control. The FED will go next.

  3. Why hasn’t Joseph Duncan who murdered the Groene family in N. Idaho and kidnapped their daughter not been executed by the Feds yet. It’s been 15 years since he murdered the Groene family and he’s still on death row waiting for hell to freeze over. If anyone deserves the death penalty it’s Joseph Duncan and hang him or electrocute or behead him with a guillotine rather than euthanize him.

  4. I wish they handled these like the Japanese, where they hang people. Not just that, but they don’t tell the prisoner when, they just show up and say today’s the day.

    Remember what you had for lunch today?


    Well, that was your last meal. Let’s go.


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