Finally, French Get Fed Up With Muslim Metastasizing and Fight Back – IOTW Report

Finally, French Get Fed Up With Muslim Metastasizing and Fight Back

It’s not enough. The French can’t fight effectively. The Muslims will take over, but it’s still entertaining to see a little pushback.

18 Comments on Finally, French Get Fed Up With Muslim Metastasizing and Fight Back

  1. “Dozens of French politicians sang the national anthem Friday as they marched into a gathering of around 200 Muslim worshippers in Paris.”

    In the U.S., some people take a knee when they hear the national anthem. In France, those Muslims will FORCE you to take a knee and what happens next won’t be pretty.

  2. That was like watching a screwed up slow motion movie, where act 2 has the same people doing the Opposite thing they did in act #1 !
    Where were the Politician’s when they let the Canines in ???

  3. The few French underground patriots who are protesting do so at their loudest before the French National surrender to islam.

    The masses of French human sheep are in a slumber, shades of 1939, with the same anticipated result.

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