Finally, Someone Who’s Willing to Curb the Waste, Fraud and Abuse – IOTW Report

Finally, Someone Who’s Willing to Curb the Waste, Fraud and Abuse


When the trillion-dollar American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was passed, those “shovel ready jobs” in fiscal year 2009, that was the last year of a full federal budget.  Every budget year thereafter has been a process of continuing resolutions and omnibus spending.  Within the CR process they use “baseline budgeting,” which essentially accepts all prior spending as the starting point for the next spending allotment within the Continuing Resolution process.

That means, the $1 trillion ARRA was not only spent in 2009 (Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi on behalf of Barack Obama), but it was also spent again in ever year thereafter.  Without a formally followed federal budget process, every year there is an extra trillion dollars (that’s a thousand billion) injected into federal spending.  That accounts for $16 trillion of the current deficit.  Make sense now? More

I’m reading this article this morning and I’m actually nauseous. It’s not just the blatant abuse of the American people but the distortion of our economy and by extension loss of economic opportunity, that turns my stomach.- Dr. Tar

11 Comments on Finally, Someone Who’s Willing to Curb the Waste, Fraud and Abuse

  1. “I’m reading this article this morning and I’m actually nauseous. It’s not just the blatant abuse of the American people but the distortion of our economy and by extension loss of economic opportunity, that turns my stomach.- Dr. Tar”

    I posted last Friday, I think, how local small biz owners like to meet and shoot the shit at our shop. Well the same day I posted that eight of them dropped by and based on current news stories at the time we made a guestimate that at minimum 60% of U.S. tax revenue went to waste fraud or abuse. Who are these people that think they’re entitled to stealing our tax dollars? I mean besides Lindsay Graham. These people need to be held accountable and exposed as the common thief’s they are. And then hung.

  2. “White Canadian students”

    The Canadian people are fucked up beyond belief and should never be considered as an additional state to our union. They’re beyond brainwashed and should live their fantasies to the fullest extent.

  3. Jathro – You could make a song out of that:

    I’m lost in the zeros again.
    I’m lost in the zeros again.
    One drink of wine, two drinks of gin
    and I’m lost in the zeros again

  4. Brad: The only reason Canadian socialism works somewhat, is because of it’s parasitic relationship with American capitalism. If it was anyplace else on the globe, it would be a failure worse than any of the European nations.

  5. Cynic

    I believe your assessment is spot on. After all, we gave them 30% of our auto industry. That may be coming to a screeching halt though. Then what. Then they get what they deserve.


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