Finally, Stupid Working-Class People Are Starting To See That the Left Does Not Care About Them

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But I would almost bet a paycheck that they will still vote Democrat!
The choice is so clear, the differences are so stark, it’s incredible she could even cheat her way in.
In their defense, GOP wasn’t exactly their friend all these years either.
Read my lips: All Americans have been lied to more often than not!
Don’t know. I see more Harris/Walz signs than I ever did Biden.
Be careful what you wish for lest they demand from you what they thought they were given.
To riff off a great quote from President Ronald Reagan:
Government is the problem. Today, President Trump offers the only solutions.
They need to be unburdened by what has been.
All the ones who figured it out in western NC will be dead soon from starvation, dehydration, and typical government neglect, so score another for the democrats.
When the platform of your political party is to look out for the downtrodden, you stay in business by assuring that the downtrodden exist in plentiful numbers. When the numbers start to dwindle and your power is starting to fade, you import more of them.
The left hasn’t given working class people a tinker’s damn since LBJ and the Great society. And probably even earlier.
Geoff: The Dim pols/bureaucrats have never given a chit about anyone but themselves. Never.
Agreed 100%.