Financial records reveal Joe Biden had $5.2 million in unexplained income – IOTW Report

Financial records reveal Joe Biden had $5.2 million in unexplained income

Joe’s missing millions! Financial records reveal Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income – as emails show he paid Hunter’s legal bills for one megabucks Chinese deal and was tapped as ‘big guy’ to get a 10% cut in another.

17 Comments on Financial records reveal Joe Biden had $5.2 million in unexplained income

  1. Aaaaaannnd that’s just the tip of the old iceberg!

    Then there’s this:
    Hunter Biden ripped Bill Clinton as ‘asshole’ who ‘looks like shit,’ who also said Clinton aides are ‘Petty, Greedy, Venal, Low Rent bullshit.

    He’s not wrong, but OMG, look who’s pointing fingers!!!

  2. That was another burr is Humper’s butt, paying The Big Guy. I read one of his emails to his dad. It was during his brother’s death. Humper was in a rant telling his dad off, and how he carried the family and paid the bills. He resented giving money to The Big Guy. He wasn’t going to be left holding the bag. That’s why Anthony Bobulinski got on it right away. The lap top from hell indeed. Humper did it intentionally.

  3. The Big Guy walking around like a blithering idiot is all show, he knows the walls are closing in and he’s laying the ground work for an insanity plea. Think,taking orders from the Easter Bunny,shaking hands with people only Joe can see, can’t string three or four words together that isn’t complete gibberish.

  4. @You Know What I Mean: There won’t be an insanity plea, it will be pure dementia and his doctor will certify it. Humper on the other hand is going to prison, or we’re done with laws.

  5. @ You Know What I Mean APRIL 27, 2022 AT 10:36 AM
    Are you claiming the Biden dementia is all an act ala Vincent Gigante?

    I’ve pondered that question myself but concluded that Biden is not smart enough to pull it off.


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