Finding The Horror of Socialism – IOTW Report

Finding The Horror of Socialism

Jordan Peele’s (director of last year’s sleeper hit “Get Out”) latest horror epic, “Us” is opening to solid reviews and a strong box office.
The film tells the story of a happy, prosperous couple being confronted by their exact opposites who want to take everything from them. More

To John Nolte, the evil menace is an all too familiar specter in our own nation; Socialism. “From out of nowhere they show up to organize, terrorize, menace, bully, and destroy what everyone else has, what everyone else worked for — and I’m talking about good and decent people who have done nothing to deserve this.” More

Why is it the only times Hollywood can depict a functional nuclear family anymore is in horror movies like “Us” and “A Quiet Place”?

6 Comments on Finding The Horror of Socialism

  1. I got through all of 2017 and 2018 without spending a dime on the Hollywood freak show.

    I finally saw The Mule in Dec. 2018, but that’s not Hollywood, that’s Clint Eastwood.

    This movie “Us” may be a good one for me.

  2. @M4TM. I fully agree, opted to see it as the one-theater-movie-per-season-max rule i’ve adhered to for over a decade (usually 1-2 per year on average, rarely can find 4 things per year I’d want to see), and left mad I’d wasted my time and leftover holiday gift card on it. The 3rd Act was just Jordan Peele seeing how much pseudo-symbolic garbage he could push out to make the critics spend the next month discussing how “amazing” it is, but what a mess it ended up. Get Out had flaws but was overall watchable, US is a waste of time.

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