Finland MP under “hate crime investigation” for posting a Bible verse on Facebook – IOTW Report

Finland MP under “hate crime investigation” for posting a Bible verse on Facebook


Päivi Räsänen, a member of parliament for the Christian Democrats and Finland’s former Interior Minister, criticized the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (ECLF) on social media after it had participated in Helsinki’s gay pride week in June, Fox New reports.

“How does the foundation of the church’s teachings, the Bible, fit with elevating sin and shame as reasons for pride?” Räsänen posted alongside a picture of Romans 1:24-27.

The verse characterizes homosexuality as ‘sinful,’ ‘shameful,’ and ‘unnatural.’

The seemingly innocuous post caused Finnish police to open pretrial investigation into Räsänen on charges of incitement against sexual and gender minorities.

“The pre-trial investigations have not yet been completed. Police will provide more details once the investigations have been completed or presented to a prosecutor for consideration of charges,” the Helsinki Police Department officer overseeing the investigation told the Helsinki Times.

In response to the widespread criticism, Räsänen said she was criticizing the church’s leadership, not gay people, and that if the investigation was taken any further it would have a “chilling effect” on the country’s society.

“It seems that many Christians in my country are now hiding and going to the closet now that the LGBT-community has come out to the public,” she said.


13 Comments on Finland MP under “hate crime investigation” for posting a Bible verse on Facebook

  1. The prophecies tell us that most of the Church will fall away from sound doctrine and follow a false one in its place.

    When you see these things, like the acceptance and even promotion of homosexuality and other beastly sins, done by the those claiming to be Christians and their Churches don’t despair.

    It means the final end of Satan’s rule on Earth is coming to an end soon, and mankind will finally return to God and his plan for us. Seek salvation for Christ and pray for those that haven’t, carry the Gospel to them as well as you know how. That is a Christian’s purpose here at this time.

    BTW, don’t expect the world to love you for it, expect them to hate you but do it anyway.


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