Fiorina’s Amazing Debate Performance Propels Her to Top Tier of Candidates – IOTW Report

Fiorina’s Amazing Debate Performance Propels Her to Top Tier of Candidates



I knew she would do well, but she had to do so well that it needed to be an eclipse of all others. She couldn’t just maintain, or ‘hold her own,’ being the only one in the lineup who had never been in this position, she needed to knock it out of the park.

And boy, did she! The best case scenario about getting placed in the second tier came true: she’s receiving the attention and name recognition, was seen first without the distraction of Trump, now has the experience under her belt, and can watch the “main” debate and learn from that as well.

It is the best situation for her. Fox News is doing a poll of viewers asking them who won, and as of this post Carly has it by, are you ready? 83 percent!

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23 Comments on Fiorina’s Amazing Debate Performance Propels Her to Top Tier of Candidates

  1. Tammy nailed it.
    While some people were upset that Carly didn’t ‘qualify’ for the main debate, it was the best thing that could have happened for her.

    The second debate was such a fiasco, it would have been much harder for her to get a fair shake, especially since it was a gang bang to attempt to take down Trump.

  2. One of the dumbest, most inane RINO decisions made lately was not figuring out a format to include all candidates! Also, figure out
    a format that doesn’t include professional hair sprayed doofuses posting gotcha questions generated directly from their buttholes and approved by their lord and masters of the universe. Why should we continue to allow such an important event as a Presidential debate be subjected to the commercial money grubbing entertainment syndicates and Marxist loving pro-DemoRAT cabals (media)?

  3. I don’t think she was notable better than Jindal.
    Those two, with Perry (*cough cough*) as a distant third, were the only ones who said anything intelligent.

  4. With the realization that political punditry or wonkery isn’t exactly the long suit here in mind, it’s a somewhat rule that such debates do not produce winners but one can sure as hell become a loser.

    Carly is quick witted but way too much baggage as well as plutocratic for that next level of debate (which was pretty much akin to a WWE event), much less the national stage as a nominee.

    If anyone actually wanted to define a “winner” of yesterday’s clown shows, it would have to be Hillary Clinton.

  5. @Magnum — you should throw this up on the bullpen for wider consideration. If this is true, this is the very last thing anyone needs to do is vote for this unknown entity.

  6. “The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good”

    Last night the hokey bullshit of “The Running Man” kept going through my head.

    Sound bite heaven.
    Targeted questions.
    No “How you gonna handle the $20 Trillion debt?”
    No “What’s your plan for China’s nuclear navy?”
    No “What are you going to do about a recrudescent Russia?”
    No “Are you gonna expose the Globaloney Warming Hoax?”
    No “Will you stop the murder of the innocents?”
    No “How you gonna get rid of 20 million illegal invaded rat-people?”

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