Fire up the cattle cars – we are all off to the gulag – IOTW Report

Fire up the cattle cars – we are all off to the gulag

We are living behind the iron curtain. Hard to believe, in the “land of the free.” Our country wants citizens to snitch on neighbors for having wrong-think.


According to the command and control authority, the greatest threat against the interests of the new state comes from citizens who are questioning the results of the 2020 election and making inquiries into whether manipulation of ballots took place.  These thoughts are enough to warrant good citizens to report subversive activity.  The warning, and enhanced intervention by the control authority, extends from today through April 30, 2021.


ht/ woody

30 Comments on Fire up the cattle cars – we are all off to the gulag

    (really, though, this adding of new monikers whenever some LibTard decides to get offended by anything conservative, it’s getting ridiculous)

  2. The first DHS lie: “Throughout 2020, Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs) targeted individuals with opposing views engaged in First Amendment-protected, non-violent protest activity.”

    It sure didn’t take long for DHS to pivot and go after the right. Almost as if there were deep-state communist infiltrators in DHS all along. Weird, huh?

  3. They won’t imprison us for our views. At first. But they will drag us down to HQ for “questioning”. And, of course, this will be the pretext for arresting President Trump and his family, and anyone who objects.

  4. “We ask the public to report suspicious activity and threats of violence, including online activity, to local law enforcement, FBI Field Offices, or their local Fusion Center.”

    This is, of course, giving the green light to Facebook, Twitter, YT, etc. to turn us over to the “authorities”.

  5. I prefer dangerous liberty over “safe” tyranny.


    Take your phony accusations and shove ’em where the sun don’t shine. If there’s room up there next to your head

  6. The ewection was stolen, the ewection was stolen. The ewection was stolen, the ewection was stolen. The ewection was stolen, the ewection was stolen. The ewection was stolen, the ewection was stolen.

    Joe Biden and Kameltoe Harris are thives and frauds, Joe Biden and Kameltoe Harris are thives and frauds, Joe Biden and Kameltoe Harris are thives and frauds, Joe Biden and Kameltoe Harris are thives and frauds.

    The Biden family are criminals. The Biden family are criminals. The Biden family are criminals. The Biden family are criminals. The Biden family are criminals.

    I would rather die in a re-education camp then acknowledge Biden as the Kommander-in-thief and the ho as ve-eep. I would rather die in a re-education camp then acknowledge Biden as the Kommander-in-thief and the ho as ve-eep. I would rather die in a re-education camp then acknowledge Biden as the Kommander-in-thief and the ho as ve-eep.

    I will resist and drag my feet the whole way (after I shoot as many as I can that come to my home to arrest me.)
    I will resist and drag my feet the whole way (after I shoot as many as I can that come to my home to arrest me.)

    Nancy Pelosi, Adam Scrifff, and Chuck Slimer suck and are traitors to America.
    Nancy Pelosi, Adam Scrifff, and Chuck Slimer suck and are traitors to America.
    Nancy Pelosi, Adam Scrifff, and Chuck Slimer suck and are traitors to America.

    I know according to your terms that I am obsolete.

  7. As a former member of the world’s foremost organization that was tasked with keeping communist scumbags in their place, the Strategic Air Command that is, the anti-communist/fascist sentiment is very strong in me. The only thing those commie rat bastards knew was brute force and SAC had that in spades. It’s was through that overwhelming power and the will to use it that SAC kept the peace during the Cold War. Communism is pure evil and I hope that if things really go south one day, the last thing I do is deal with some of the communist scumbags who will richly deserve it.

  8. This new secy of defense Austin is the ultimate useful idiot, and is all in for the hunt for Christian devils in the military -and is towing the line for the new ‘climate’ scam.

  9. What was that the Germans said at the trials? “I was only doing what I was ordered.”
    In the end it doesn’t work out for anybody. Remember that first amendment thingy?
    Do what is right by the oath to the Constitution you swore. It’s actually more important than your paycheck, imagine that.

  10. Oh how slow the feds are. That’s the beauty of living in a single part consent state. Don’t have to ask, don’t have to tell. Oh, we’re supposed to tell the govt?
    My bad.

  11. The financial disaster that is GameStock with Big Tech, the NYSE, and our own DOJ putting their fingers on the scale of justice and interfering on the side of our corporate betters…….

    Pelosi buying $1.5 million in Tesla stock weeks before bidet says government cars must be electric…..I wonder how many more in Congress made this astute trade….

    But…..but….but…..we have laws….

    Laws for me and you……the financially and politically connected are not subjected to our laws…..

    Always demand a jury trial…..jury nullification….look it up….it might save you…..someday.

  12. Marxist bastards will use the Boa constrictors of law fare and social credit scoring to squeeze the life out of patriots one lawsuit and regulation at a time.

    They will destroy our constitutional rights one at a time by weaponizing state and federal agencies to limit our free speech, weapon ownership, right to travel and assemble, protection of our private property from search and seizure, protection from self incrimination, etc.

    Our current access to legal representation, finance/credit, banking, travel, worship, mercantile exchange, medical care, insurance, and firearms will be removed or revoked by an unelected bureaucracy, compromised judiciary, and illegitimate government.

    While this squeeze is occurring a commiserate social squeeze on our access to the inter webs to express ourselves freely and associate with fellow patriots or assemble to worship will be restricted and removed.

    They already own anyone under 40 and are actively working to kill off anyone over 60. The Wu Flu was a designer virus to wipe out non-contributors to a commie society and the older generations of patriots who were educated to be patriots,

    If you do not see these tactical, operational, and strategic actions behind these EO’s you are not paying attention.

    The purge of patriots is coming, guns up and be ready…

  13. @ Brad

    “This is them drawing the final line in the sand.”

    I agree they’ve wanted a hot war for a long time. They want to blame the start of it on us and no matter how it starts will lay the blame on us. The so-called Capitol riot is proof of that.

    We need our own line in the sand. Stop paying taxes. As a wage slave for a corporation that isn’t easy to do. The government already has more of your money than you owe in most cases. They’re not going to give the excess back if you don’t file. They will keep everything and you’ll still be a domestic terrorist for not filing. Sucks to be in that position.

    There are ways of helping others avoid taxes and maybe saving yourself some money. Whenever you have a financial transaction with a individual or small business pay cash. Sometimes you can get a discount, sometimes you can’t, either way pay cash! If you go out to eat, don’t put the tip on the card, pay cash.

    As a retired person, I’m in a strange position. I have nothing withheld, so at tax time I fill out the minimum number of lines necessary on a 1040 and send the IRS a check for what the tax table says I owe. Three weeks to three months later I get a check back from the IRS for three to five hundred more than I sent. I think it has to do with “earned income credit” but I have never been able to understand the explanation the IRS gives.

    Small business owners such as yourself are in a unique position. Stop paying personal taxes, business taxes and most of all stop being an unpaid tax collector for the government. Stop withholding money from your employees. Put every dime they earned on their paycheck and let them decide whether to pay taxes or not.

    That can be our line in the sand.

  14. When I got done with my route today and before I quit for the day I found out some Karen, snoop, busybody asshole had snitched on us because God forbid we haven’t been wearing our sheeple masks like our fucktard lord and masters want us to do at work. And our poor secretary was trying to figure who it was(supposedly it’s some govt. entity) and what the fuss is all about. I am so sick of all this bullshit. Nobody has a friggin clue who finked on us, we haven’t had any problems or complaints until now. I hate my government as it currently stands, they can go Hell. Whatever happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?


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