Fired Feinstein Staffer Goes Out in a Blaze of Ganja – IOTW Report

Fired Feinstein Staffer Goes Out in a Blaze of Ganja

Daily Caller

Video has emerged showing Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s former aide dancing in her office while smoking a joint and high on psychedelic mushrooms jamming out to “I Like It” by DeBarge after he was terminated from his role last month.

Jamarcus Purley, who holds degrees from Harvard and Stanford, was fired last month from his role as a legislative correspondent at Feinstein’s office, according to Latino Rebels. In an act of rebellion, Purley decided to have one last hoorah at the office. More

29 Comments on Fired Feinstein Staffer Goes Out in a Blaze of Ganja

  1. Not a wise move to film such shenanigans ever. To make matters worse, even if he didn’t film it himself, I’d lay odds that the office had security cameras. Boneheaded move overall. Dumbass!

  2. I suppose David Allan Coe’s ‘Take This Job and Shove It’ was too red neck.
    I bet he continues to vote Democrat till the day he dies. Another one of LBJ’s prodigies from a broken home.

  3. Total IDGAF attitude right inside the very “halls of power,” coupled with a nice musical throwback with Debarge. Not afraid to film it.

    This guy’s a baller. No hate from me.

  4. Didn’t her husband just die?

    Probably because he WANTED to.

    She should follow his example.

    As soon as possible.

    …and give her that DeBarge song on an endless loop to take to hell with her.

    Because that’s where THAT belongs as well…

  5. Arrogance is a defining character trait of progs. That’s why when they go down I am truly and thoroughly indifferent to what suffering they have brought on themselves. We’re it not for their smug attitude, it might be different. But this same recklessness is also how they treat others. At the bottom of it is an attack on God and the resulting ingratitude for the gifts they have been blessed with. I’ve been close enough to the ingrates to say with complete confidence: I guarangoddamntee it. Instead of counting their blessings, no matter what they have been given, it isn’t enough for them (somebody else has more, and what they have the prog fancied they themselves deserve what someone else has and they have been unjustly denied it) and the resentment manifests in destructive behavior. Usually directed at others, but often directed at themselves, but always with the motivation of figuratively spitting in the face of God.

    Fuck the slob.

  6. I can’t help but wonder what the reactions would be if he were to kick back with a few nice cuban cigars, some 30 year old scotch and a poker game with his buddies. 🤔

  7. If they fired me, they’d walk me out of the building, take my badge, deactivate my access, post my picture with Security as persona no grata, and immediately disable anything I had access to after taking the keys they have a list of that are in my possession, as well as instantly contacted local law enforcement if I tried to access any of our buildings after being told to leave.

    But I don’t work for the government.

  8. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say he got hired because of Affirmative action. Something Feinstein voted for and believes in. I dunno about his degrees, I don’t believe he earned them and isn’t acting like he has any education at all.

  9. Well that was disturbing. So glad to see that the adults are back in charge.
    Judging from her antics at the State of the Union address, I’d say he and Nancy may have more in common than one might suspect.

  10. Genipero
    MARCH 5, 2022 AT 7:03 PM
    “SNS, hope that Mrs. SNS is home and healing.”

    …She is, thank you for asking. The surgery went well and the recovery is ok, but the doc called today and said radiation is in her future.

    Thanks again and God bless,

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