Firefighter removes 15,000 bees that swarmed a car while the owner was shopping – IOTW Report

Firefighter removes 15,000 bees that swarmed a car while the owner was shopping

My real question is how in the world the dude got in his car without realizing a huge colony had taken up residence inside.

21 Comments on Firefighter removes 15,000 bees that swarmed a car while the owner was shopping

  1. …I’m on the wrong side of the half-century mark, not allergic, and have a 50 minute drive to work every day at 430 AM. I would welcome a colony of bees if the Queen would send one out every 10 minutes or so to sting me awake when I’m driving…

  2. Sapper Chris
    APRIL 3, 2021 AT 12:12 PM
    “Car making weird noises? Turn the radio up!”

    …that strategy never seems to work when the wife in the passenger seat is the source of the noises, though…

  3. This is called hiving. Happens every spring. A portion of a colony takes off with a new queen. The car was a temporary stop while scouts looked for a suitable place to move into. Probably be gone before the sun set.

    When I am called out for one of these – they are silent. So not knowing one showed up while you’re in the store is completely believable to me. Of course, when they are excited and buzzing around, you’ll hear the wing beats.

    Not being Africanized, they are pretty harmless. I’ve never had my bee suit or hooded jacket with me when called out for ASAP service on one. Never stung (lucky they weren’t Africanized).

    Pretty easy to kill. They do take a while to be completely affected by the pyrethrin aerosol, though. But don’t waste your chemical. Just fog them up then step back and take a break. It’ll work.

    Something super effective but not advised in this situation – a spritz of gasoline will dissolve their wings immediately and render them completely flightless. I’ve had huge colonies in abandoned 55 gal drums I was able to deal with quickly like that.

    I do not offer “saving/capturing the colony” services. You call me and I kill them. Quick job. You need a beekeepers license if you have more than 3 hive boxes on your property and I’m not going to do that. Maybe when I retire, but not now.

  4. “That there’s such a thing as a beekeepers license is indicative of how far we’ve fallen as a liberty-loving society.”

    A. You can have some colonies without a license. Put one in your backyard and have at it. Only a neighbor with a deadly sensitivity it will care. Or, maybe, someone totally ignorant about bees like yourself and trying to impose their ignorance on you. But that would be a teachable moment. It always is. Just like now.

    B. If you’re going to make a business out of it – you need to do it with responsibility. You’re a menace to everyone else if you’re raising Africanized bees or bees that spread disease to other bee colonies.

    It’s not as simple as your comment implies.

  5. geoff the aardvark
    APRIL 3, 2021 AT 4:12 PM
    “Can anyone explain the significance of that tank being in Jesus Christ Superstar. I could never figure that out.”

    …I’ll let “moviemistakes” take this one…

    “Question: Now, I may be missing some big symbolic thing here, but what exactly did the tanks and the jets represent, or where they just mistakes or something?

    Answer: There are many “current” images added in to convey an up-to-date parallel of what was happening. The planes & tanks were to show the power of the Roman government. Also the merchants sinning by selling in the temple are selling postcards, prostitution, drugs, & even machine guns in the movie. It was to give something modern for viewers to relate to. The guards carry guns as well as the roman spears of the time. The modern “anything goes” in the sexual area is clear in the modern version of Herod’s escapades.”

  6. While Dad is mowing the lawn with a gas mower, son says: ” You hear that..?”

    Dad shuts off lawn mower. I hear it too.

    There’s is big black ball headed our way!

    What the fuck is it..?

    Oh shit..!


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