Firefighters Carry Baby Yoda While They Fight Fires – IOTW Report

Firefighters Carry Baby Yoda While They Fight Fires

Not the Bee – Firefighters have unleashed a new weapon in the fight against forest fires that have spread across the western U.S. in recent weeks.

That weapon? The smallest and most adorable Force user in the Star Wars universe. [snip]

Earlier this month, 5-year-old Carver from Oregon donated a Baby Yoda doll to firefighters as part of a drive for local fire stations.

Baby Yoda has made the rounds from fire to fire in multiple states – including Oregon, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Idaho, and Utah – giving moral support to firefighters on the front lines.

Read the rest here and watch the videos.

13 Comments on Firefighters Carry Baby Yoda While They Fight Fires

  1. …ummm, ok…I never really personally worried about the lack of stuffed animals on our trucks myself, but you know how kids today are…hate to think they ever delay a response so someone can go back and retrieve a toy from the bunk room or something, tho…

  2. …althogh the SQUADS all had a supply of stuffed SOMETHINGS on them for giving to little kids at scenes and in transit to help calm them down, given to us by some well-meaning civic organization or other for that purpose, but they were the stiffest, ugliest little things you ever saw. My memory wants so say they looked a little like Shrek, but this was WELL before Shrek was dreamed up, so even if I’m accurate its entirely coincidental. They were like if someone did cutouts of popsicle stick men in cardboard, put some thick,heavy cotton on top of it, then used different colors of industrial grade heavy felt stitched together in the approximate appearance of a bipedal being, a bear, perhaps, but with NO detail or frippery at all. That WAS intentional, so we could give it to a crying kid in a fast-moving bouncing red bus and not worry about them choking on an eyeball. They were also VERY sturdy which did make them stiff, but ALSO made them tough as did the well-done stitching so, again, I wouldn’t have to pull up to an ambulance bay and have a ENT doc meet us on the bus to help dig cotton batting out of the larynx of a newly suffocated child.

    Ugly as they were, they were probably BETTER fire service mascots than Yoda, or maybe the ugly was GOOD for that, because WE were ugly, utilitarian, basic, and tough…but sometimes, that’s what you NEED.

    And the kids clung to them like I’ve NEVER seen one hug a plush R2D2. Sometimes, it was all they HAD.

    So keep your Yoda. Find one of THOSE instead. I’d love to post a picture, but I doubt they still exist, most good things belong to the past now, welcome to entropy…

  3. Son-in-law is a USFS type 3 engine captain in Montana. Daughter is a section leader on a Type 1 Incident Management Team. The SIL and his crew are assigned work clearing and prescribed burning every spring and late winter. Often in the southeast. NEVER to California.


  4. Brad
    OCTOBER 2, 2020 AT 2:45 PM

    OCTOBER 2, 2020 AT 3:12 PM

    …and may the Lord hold his protective hand over your son, Brad, your son and daughter too, HungJumper, and all those who share his dangers, guide them to where they may best break the flames, lead them away from rifts in the land they fight on, calm the winds before them even as the fire generates them, strengthen their bodies against the deprivation and dehydration their work causes them, and help them to put down the devils favorite tool with the knowledge, fortitude, and enthusiasm they have always shown in the defense of others, and protect them from the flames themselves until it is time for them to safely return to those that love them and pray for them, with the deserved satisfaction of a job well done.

    And we ask this in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

    God Bless

  5. @MJA: Here in California, they use inmates and the CCC (California
    Conservation Corp) to clear the brush. It’s an ongoing effort here, I see it happening all the time. The inmates, regardless of what they’ve done to be an inmate, work their asses off. I’ve seen them carry heavy chainsaws up steep slopes, cut out brush, stack and burn it. There’s just too much of it to clear. BTW, we thank them every time we see them clearing brush – it’s the only thanks they ever get. They’re paying society back, and their efforts stopped a fire here from destroying a State park.

    Thank You.

    I spend a lot of time in the El Dorado National Forrest here in Northern California. It’s a damn mess. Laying dead, standing dead, and thick brush every where.

  7. I am fed up with the infantilization of real grown mens professions. Just to make it look cute and cuddly so weaker people (women) can do it without the general public complaining.
    Brad, Kudos to your son and to you and your wife for bringing him up that way.

  8. Weird how so many of us have firefighters or LEOs in our families…..must be something wrong with us…we should probably do something about that, before they come for us……


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