Fireman’s trick: Here’s what to do if you’re alone and choking – IOTW Report

Fireman’s trick: Here’s what to do if you’re alone and choking

Newsner: You’re sitting at homeĀ alone, when something suddenly gets stuck in your throat – blocking your windpipes.
Not a single person is around to help. You’re not breathing – and you begin to realize with dread that death could be just seconds away.

What to do?

h/t Doc.

28 Comments on Fireman’s trick: Here’s what to do if you’re alone and choking

  1. Now MJ’s gonna blame this on me? šŸ™‚

    I haven’t tried this…but I have had to do the Heimlich on myself and NOT like “anonymous” (whoever the fuck YOU are) I used my own fists. If you don’t have time to shop for furniture, and you’re by yourself…do what you need to do to survive!

  2. The back of a chair. How do you gain the momentum? A couch, like running into soft bedding will help. Plus you’d have to drag it away from the wall, etc.

    Hey Doc…stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself…

  3. I don’t have to worry about any of this.
    Before I got rid of all progressives in my life, a friend told me how about he talked out his ass.
    So, naturally I could always use the advice to breathe through my ass.

  4. I’ve never found myself in a sudden
    situation as an adult where I suddenly
    started choking with something in my
    I do remember as a teen out on a boat
    with my Gpa fishing when a cicada flew
    into his mouth. He ended up swallowing it.
    What a tuff old bastard he was.

  5. Yea, I somehow got something lodged in my throat and wrapped one hand in the other and Heimliched myself. Once was enough. Had a dog pass out after eating a grass clod and it worked to bring her around too.
    And to top that off I was lying in bed when my heart stopped so I slugged it as hard as I could and it started right back up. LOL, I rolled over and went to sleep.
    People pay too much for things they can do themselves.

  6. Here Jerry, this may help drive the visual out of your brain

    Lena Dunham, Rosie O’Donnell, and Helen Thomas doing a synchronized nude scissors kick routine at a fundraiser for Bruce Jenner’s upcoming surgery.

    Hang in there Jerry and OTD. Sometimes, in the short run, the cure is worse than the disease.

  7. Way back in the day when Army nurses did Basic Training, we did tracheostomies (not to be confused with tracheotomies) on sedated goats because you could do 5 or 6 on them because of their long necks. This was during Vietnam so we also learned how to stitch wounds. They don’t do that anymore–those were the days though!

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