So are barbecues. The left is the party of suck. When will youth figure this out?



  1. Conservatives running for prez should call out the democrat party constantly, pointing out their fascist ways. Much like the Left keeps the GOP chasing “squirrels,” constant mentions in every speech or interview would keep the MSM refuting the claims.

  2. I went to my local restaurant supply store yesterday for supplies, only to find out that the mesquite charcoal they have carried for years is suddenly unavailable. They have sold a 50 pound bag of solid mesquite charcoal for $13 a bag for 2 decades, and suddenly the supplier in Mexico is having problems “getting his permits” to import his charcoal. Instead of getting three pallets of bags, this store gets 3 bags, if they are lucky.

    I smell Big Gubment at work on this, without a doubt.

  3. Come out here to west Texas, son. The sh!t grows wild. You cannot kill a mesquite tree without nuking it. If nothing else can grow, mesquite can. I’ve never bought a bag of charcoal in my life. Every time I come out here, I haul a pick-up load back to Houston. I give my Yankee friends a bundle of it for Christmas.

    The company in Meh-hee-co making them briquets probably lost all its workers to cartel violence, or they all came here to get on the Dole.

  4. A Leftist is a person who always knows what’s good for everyone else but thinks their own innate superiority should enable them to do anything they please.

  5. When I was a kid, you could buy firecrackers big enough to blow fingers off. Nobody I knew ever did. Occasionally some fool would, though, and you’d read about it in the paper. We never said, “Fireworks should be banned!”, we just said, “Hey, check this out – some idiot blew himself up!”

    Callous? Maybe, but you can’t protect everybody against everything. Don’t
    get me started about the monkey bars…


  6. Or as a wise person once quipped: “Liberals” ideas so good they’re mandatory. I want to wish the EPA and Lisa Jackson a big smokey, flaming Happy Independence Day! Enjoy a quiet, tofu day if you want you liberal bitches. Fireworks to commence @ dusk!

  7. just heard an ad on our local radio. Police are enforcing firewrks restrictions in city limits and eztending one mile beyond presumably for fire cntrl or fr not irritatiing the grumpy old men.

    Except of course fr the country clubs and legions clubs who blast the partticles off in the atmosphere and descend on rooftops and over undeveloped areas. Apparently their firewrks are spark free.

  8. Am I the only one noticing a dearth of American flags, buntings, even patriotic retail displays this year?

    I’ll bet this is the least patriotic 4th of July in two centuries.

    And no, I’m not confused as to why this is happening. I even felt shitty putting my own flag out this year.

    As the kids say, “I’m not feeling it”.

  9. Retail, maybe. But my city seems overcome with patriotism. I’m seeing flags and other red-white&blue displayed everywhere. And this is in deep blue Minnesota!

    Gee, I wonder if the amount of liberals here has been overstated? Must be true because they can only win elections by voter fraud.

  10. One good thing about living in Arkansas, we don’t recognize the EPA’s authority to disregard the will of the People and impose politically biased regulations on the taxpayers that they are supposed to be serving.

    I propose the license plates slogans be changed to “Fuck The EPA.”

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