First Active NFL Player To Come Out as Gay is a Defensive End – IOTW Report

First Active NFL Player To Come Out as Gay is a Defensive End


Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Carl Nassib came out as gay on Monday, becoming the first active player in the National Football League to do so. “Just want to take a quick moment to say that I’m gay,” Nassib said in an Instagram video. “I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, but I finally feel comfortable enough to get it off my chest.”


45 Comments on First Active NFL Player To Come Out as Gay is a Defensive End

  1. I don’t care what he does, who he is or what game he plays. Maybe he’ll soon be a transgender, I still won’t care, unless he wants to play girl’s sports in the olympics.

  2. Who cares?
    L.A. Dodgers had the first gay major leaguer in the 70s. Decent player. He was completely open about it. Teammates couldn’t care less but the management freaked out and tried to make him hide it, eventually traded him away. Who cares?
    He also is credited for inventing the high-five, which was on the occasion of a pretty big event – Dusty Baker’s 30th home run in 1977 in their final game of the season, making it the only time in NL history that 4 players hit 30 home runs in the season. As Dusty crossed home plate, Glenn Burke gave him the first high-five in history.

  3. Why on earth does it matter to anyone what anyone else prefers sexually? The in your face “pride” is absurd. Live your life however you want, treat people like you want to be treated and the overwhelming majority of us will be fine with you. Over the gay stuff. Enough already.

  4. If your not interested in having sex with him… Who cares?

    Coming out even this late in the game is tough… But trust me, there’s some payoff to himself coming out now….

  5. Is this supposed to be some kind of courageous act?
    You’re a fag and give most any normal man the creeps, so maybe you should be the one to accept that!

    Besides, are you bragging or advertising?

  6. I had a hard time adjusting my first two years in high school .. so I becpme the first JV football player in my schools history to come out as “morose”

  7. i thought there was a player for the Rams (seriously), who came out as gay several years ago. He was eventually cut though if I remember, and raised a big stink. Anyone else remember?

  8. Esera Tuaolo came out several years ago, albeit after his career ended and it wasn’t a big deal. But I guess pride month has to make this story more “endearing”.

  9. Bman – Michael Sam. He was on the Cowboys roster for a short span. Was a diehard Cowboys fan till the last couple of years, when I turned my back on the NFL.

  10. @ Ann Thracts JUNE 22, 2021 AT 2:25 PM
    “At least you folks stayed civil and didn’t try to give ghey names to the letters “N” “F” “L”.”

    Like, “New Faggots League”

  11. So who will come out next?
    The guy who likes to be dominated by a leather clad chick on 10 inch heels?
    I mean really. Why is it so important to announce the manner in which you have sex to the world?
    And what’s with, “I finally feel comfortable enough”?
    Does he know it’s wrong and he knows he made a conscious decision to have sex with other men?
    Is he getting a bonus for announcing this? Is the NFL giving him a bonus hoping to attract viewers back?

    My daughter gave me a great term yesterday….. Skittles Mafia.

  12. Las Vegas Raiders????
    When the hell did Oakland move to Las Vegas????

    I haven’t watched or followed the nfl in 4 years. Seems I missed some big changes.
    Damn the bad luck…..

  13. Bman
    Lance Reventlow (sp)
    Married beauty Joey Hetherton but made headlines when they very publicly split. He very sadly came out and it was not well received. The team let him go. People in the media were cruel. I felt pain for the couple. He was big and handsome, she was tiny and a very sexy dancer/actress. Where they are now who knows. I was curious about such matters in my 20s. Now? Pshhhh

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