First Ever Execution by Nitrogen Scheduled Tonight – IOTW Report

First Ever Execution by Nitrogen Scheduled Tonight


Alabama will attempt to put an inmate to death with nitrogen gas on Thursday night, a never before used execution method that the state claims will be humane but critics call cruel and experimental.

Kenneth Eugene Smith, a 58-year-old convicted killer whose 2022 lethal injection was called off at the last minute because authorities couldn’t connect an IV line, is scheduled to be executed at a south Alabama prison. More

41 Comments on First Ever Execution by Nitrogen Scheduled Tonight

  1. Whoa. That’s pure asphyxiation with all the attendant shaking and twitching as your brain runs out of O2. Not a nice way to go, but then, whoever it is isn’t nice, either.

  2. Whenever they bring up ‘inhumane’ execution, well, first of course I wonder if the complainers have a clue as to what the individual did to merit capital punishment.
    But also, when we put pets down it is very humane, an injection that puts them to sleep and then makes it permanent. And I have been put under for surgery. Why can’t they put the criminal under sedation, then inject whatever poison works best? I just don’t see how this can be a challenge.

  3. They fill chip bags with nitrogen before sealing them. I’ve had that thought on my mind all day for some reason.

    They’re going to strap him down and put a full mask over his face, give him time to say last words then turn on the nitro. I suspect this guy is going to blow up like a balloon before expiring.

    Did you read his crime? Took $1,000 to take the life of a preacher’s wife, so the husband could collect the insurance money. I wonder how much over $1,000 he would have to have been paid to do an honest job?

    I wonder how they settled on pure nitrogen? There have to be other gases that work faster, cleaner with less fuse.

  4. Nitrous oxide would do the same thing and he’d laugh himself to death. Just cut off the O2 and let him slide into obvlivion.

    Nitrogen is what causes nitrogen narcosis in divers that use air without mixed gases. Also know as getting narked or rapture of the deep. It has an anesthetic effect at high pressures.

  5. I do not understand the hysteria over putting criminals that took another life to death. Pretty sure the murder was not done humanely.

    Maybe use the same ‘humane’ method they use when slaughtering cows.

  6. That is the way the Hemlock society does it. Long standing, reliable method. I’m sure the ones who REALLY object are the pharmaceutical companies that make the traditional drugs and charge a FORTUNE for them.

  7. Why can’t they just use CO (carbon monoxide)? CO has an affinity for the red blood cells/hemoglobin and is readily absorbed. The body doesn’t realize it is suffocating as the CO prevents O2 from being absorbed. That’s why there are so many accidental deaths due to faulty heaters.

    However, the anti-death crowd would be against anything. Cruel and unusual is just an excuse to do away with the death penalty. You could have a magic wand that basically kills a person with a single tap cleanly, quickly, and without any pain. And the anti-death crowd would be against that.

  8. Brad, I was with a friend of mine in my fighter squadron when we were filling up LOX, liquid oxygen bottles for our planes and a frog just happened to hop by and we being curious wanted to see what LOX would do to it so we LOX’ed the frog and it froze solid and a minute or so later we dropped the frozen frog on the ground and sure enough it shattered like glass. It was definitely a guy thing.

  9. And another thing, one of my son’s dentists was caught in an adulterous affair years ago and he and the lady he was having an affair with committed suicide by connecting themselves to the nitrous oxide, laughing gas tank and going to sleep permanently. His dental office shortly shut down permanently after that.

  10. Very painless way to go. You’re unconscious within a few seconds (no heaving chest as with holding breath–heaving chest caused by CO2 buildup, which does not happen when breathing nitrogen or any inert gas) and brain dead within a few minutes (though heart might keep beating for a while). Those who state otherwise must have an ulterior motive. Those who say the method is “experimental” would probably gain IQ points if they partook of it.

    After the very first flight of the Space Shuttle in 1981, two NASA techs accidentally walked into a nitrogen filled space. Both died, but I knew at the time that neither of them suffered.

    CO is a pretty painless way to go too, but you do develop a bit of a headache before you pass out.

    Freezing to death is not too bad, after the period of uncontrollable shivering passes.

    I’ll take nitrogen asphyxiation over a series of lethal injections any day of the week, and twice on Sundays. I think the lethal injection regime is only for theatrics–it has nothing to do with being “humane.”

  11. geoff:

    There is a classic cryogenics demo in which two goldfish are dropped into liquid nitrogen. One is then dropped on the floor and shatters, the other is dropped in a fish bowl, and after a minute or two starts swimming around (yeah, they can survive that).

  12. I don’t know if anyone mentioned the it but I heard on a talk radio show many years ago someone suggesting that the state use the same meds that are perscribed for assisted suicide. Good for the goose…

    They chose nitrogen for this guy because they couldn’t find a vein the first time they tried executing him. Plus, many drug providers don’t want their product associated with executions, so the drugs become hard to procure. – Dr. Tar

  13. The people that yell about there being no humane way to kill a convicted rapist and murderer are the same people who tell you there’s nice ways to euthanize yourself if you’re sad and also the same people who will jam scissors into a living infant’s skull.

  14. Quinn knows where of they speak. When our loved fur kids cannot go on, I use nitrogen to ease them off. Done at home by people that love them, not strangers at the vet’s office. No trauma, no drama, never seen the first indication of distress. It is the best I know to do out of all the options for our pets.
    I handle gasses for a living, this may not be for just anybody.

  15. Since Hollywood won’t provide any “die laughing” comedies anymore, Helium or Nitrous Oxide would be a good alternate for people who want to make their exit while laughing their asses off.

  16. Most people who have hissy fits about the death penalty are the leftist who LOVE abortion.

    So, make the execution the same technique as an abortion. The left dare not complain about that being inhumane.

    I know, I know. Babies aren’t “human,” so abortion is not inhumane. I hate evil.

  17. On March 18, 1988, 45-year-old Elizabeth Sennett’s life was brutally taken from her by Kenneth Eugene Smith. After more than 30 years and attempt after attempt to game the system, Mr. Smith has answered for his horrendous crimes…’He stabbed her again and again, She fought back he stabbed her again and again….’

  18. Where I worked for 32 years, we used massive amounts of nitrogen to purge vessels and lines of volatile gasses to make them safe for maintenance. Nitrogen always scared the crap out of me. It’s the silent, swift killer.


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