First Lady Melania Trump Moved To Tears At National Cathedral – IOTW Report

First Lady Melania Trump Moved To Tears At National Cathedral

Breitbart: First Lady Melania Trump wept as 20-year-old Marlana VanHoose sang the hymn “How Great Thou Art” during the Inaugural Prayer Service at the Washington National Cathedral in the nation’s capital on Saturday morning.

Hundreds of worshippers joined President Donald Trump the First Lady; Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen; most of the Cabinet; and Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy for an ecumenical prayer, featuring a wide variety of faiths.

The service, which has become part of the inaugural tradition over the past several decades, sounded a message of national unity, echoing a theme that featured in several of Friday’s inaugural addresses as well. On Saturday morning, with politicians seated in the pews as ordinary congregants, and religious leaders and laypeople leading them in prayer, without the pomp and ceremony of the day before, there was a sense of humility shared by all in the chapel, as well as a palpable sense of joy.

There were many highlights from the deeply moving service. VanHoose, however, provided the service’s most poignant moment.

VanHoose — who is blind, and has mild cerebral palsy — performed the well-known hymn, whose words include: “I see the stars/I hear the rolling thunder/Thy power throughout/The universe displayed.”  WATCH HERE

16 Comments on First Lady Melania Trump Moved To Tears At National Cathedral

  1. On a spiritual note, I believe Melania isa true Esther. In her humbleness is strength and wisdom to intercede for the this nation as she supports Mr Trump in his vision to MAGA. Melania also represents her birthplace and will be key to its prosperity. God has big plans for her – watch and see.

  2. @/notmyrealname – if you don’t get it then I can’t explain it to you.

    Like the line in the “City Slickers” movie when they ask the old cowboy if he knows the meaning of life, and he says yes – and they ask what it is and he says “that’s something you have to find out for yourself.”

  3. Gladys, sorry I forgot to put a sarcasm note in my reply. I was referring to mooches comment all this for an f’ing flag. Please be at ease that I get it and upvoted all the positive posts. Too bad you couldnt hear my voice, dang printed word! Lol. God Bless Youxoxo

  4. /notmyrealname —

    we’re getting a little touchy from all the liberal junk coming out.

    Many did understand your reference to our dear departed (yeaaaaa!) first lady.

    I for one have chosen to ignore the libs from now on. Why give them my time and energy? Not worth it.

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