Breitbart: First lady Melania Trump stopped at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage, Alaska to visit children in a pre-school during a refueling stop on her trip back to Washington, D.C. on Friday.
The Alaska Dispatch News reported:
A security-screened crowd packed into Arctic Oasis Community Center, which serves the base as a family gym, indoor playground, hair salon, arcade and more. Trump arrived with a traveling team that included step son-in-law Jared Kushner on an Air Force jet from Beijing on their way back to Washington, D.C., after touring Asia with President Donald Trump.
The first lady spent less than an hour at a preplanned event to celebrate families of active-duty members that included arts and crafts, stories and games. It occurred on the observed holiday for Veterans Day, which falls on Saturday this year.
People held their phones over their heads and crushed up against barricades to document the moment. Some were trying for good shots of their children, handpicked to show the first lady activities including making rainbows in jars and creating decorative fish from plastic jewels, CDs and glitter. MORE

I judge Mr. Trump on the fact that this woman married him.
Compare Melania’s doings against Michelle Obama’s.
Melania seems to be very giving.
Michelle was out to take as much as she possibly could from the system.
No comparison.
Wow, not the first time I heard local news from iotwreport! Lucky kidlings, wish I could have been there!
Melania always looks like she’s in her 20s. “Stop, you’re embarrassing me” must be part of her daily lexicon. First class first lady.
It’s their culture differences, Mr. Anth Ropy. First world for Melania. Fourth world for Michelle.
What a refreshing change from that cross dressing gorilla we just ousted from that position.
I always enjoy seeing our FLOTUS Melania in her travels, but this was so staged it was kind of embarrassing. When the camera pulled back, each of the children’s craft stations were set up like tee vee show setups with the adult “audience” crushing against the barricades. I don’t know, it just seemed kinda dumb to have a score of Secret Service guys/gals taking up their positions feet away from FLOTUS inside a base community center. It’s no wonder people feel so separated from our government.
Her puffy coat was cool but I thought it was gray. It’s a Glenn plaid! Very cool.
@AA I want her boots!
Michelle 0 would of taken their lunch’s away
AA, can you imagine if something were to happen to her?
She must be a prime target of terror groups. I’m glad they’re doing their jobs.
a non a mosse — I get it, it’s just that this is a family center on the base. From the description: “A security-screened crowd packed into Arctic Oasis Community Center, which serves the base as a family gym, indoor playground, hair salon, arcade and more.”
We sort of laugh at the kids in Japan, China, South Korea, etc. being rehearsed and drilled beforehand to greet POTUS and FLOTUS, but the kids at Elmendorf are just as rehearsed. I reeks of “photo op”. I’m sure it felt just as awkward to her to be staged with the kids. And heaven knows how long those kids were made to sit there and wait. Melania sat down for only a few moments, tried to have some kind of meaningful interaction with the children and then would get up and move to a different table. I don’t know, it kind of creeped me out with her and the kids area being like a sterile secure (everyone in that room had been through rigorous security) environment — and on top of that having the secret service doing its thing as though they were making their way through the streets of London. I get that security for her is always necessary, but good grief. It just seemed very awkward and over the top.
Not just the First Lady, but the best First Lady in a long, long time.