First Official White House Portrait of Melania Released – IOTW Report

First Official White House Portrait of Melania Released

Here’s Michelle’s—>

All I can say is that she looks like the hardest working man in show business, yet, every magazine in the country did backflips and plastered her on the cover to announce she was the most elegant, hottest woman on the planet.



50 Comments on First Official White House Portrait of Melania Released

  1. A study in “compare and contrast” right there…
    Melania: Classy, Intellectually savvy, self-made, looks awesome (front and back)
    Mooch: Bitter, mouth-breather, agenda-serving,looks like she needs to shave her back

  2. I knew you’d be posting this, so I prepared myself by taking Viagra. Worked like a charm. I gazed at Melania for a full six hours, got tired and scrolled down to see Mooschelle’s image. Heh! Worked like a charm.
    Great editing. Thanks.

  3. Melania looks like the definition of femininity and self confidence.

    Mooch aka Sassie looks like she could go a few rounds in a MMA bout – not a good look.

  4. For the first time in eight years, im proud of my country’s First Lady, cause it seems like patriotism is makin’ a comeback.

    Sorry, Michelle.

  5. Politics aside (get your pitchforks ready)…

    As much as I despise what the Obama’s have done to this country, Michelle’s photo is actually a warmer portrait than that of Melania. Her smile and face seem more natural, whereas Melania is not smiling much and looks almost irritated – as if you just asked her if that diamond is really 24 carats.

    Let the stone throwing begin.

  6. Anyone want to see the picture of the other first lady if President Trump had lost. I don’t think so. Glad you voted?
    Me too.
    I can’t wait to see it in oil hanging in the White House.
    What a gal.

  7. @The Gunny, I respectfully disagree with your opinion, but for a very different reason than that which you may have in mind.

    She is ‘trained’ in modeling. That demeanor is going to come out in any professional display, photo shoot, or other type of professional setting. It’s second nature, kind of like, “muscle memory.” This was not a, ‘candid,’ photo event. Moose wouldn’t know a professional event if it bit her in the moose.

    Melania is a classically beautiful, ‘lady’. Training in the arts of such have been long in the awaiting of their revival.

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