First Pot Ad To Air on Television Monday – IOTW Report

First Pot Ad To Air on Television Monday

That ad will immediately be followed by ads for Famous Amos Cookies, Funyons, Pringles, Popeye’s Chicken and Ben and Jerry’s.

(NEWSER) – People in Denver settling in to watch Jimmy Kimmel’s show Monday night will see a little bit of television history—the nation’s first TV ad for a marijuana company. As Cannabist reports, it will be a short spot for a company called Neos that sells vape pens with cannabis oil. Because of rules that forbid showing pot products, viewers won’t actually see those pens—instead they’ll see shots of people enjoying the outdoors in Colorado, reinforcing the image of a “cannabis consumer who is active and healthy,” says an exec with marketing firm Cannabrand.

The spot will air after the local news and before Kimmel’s show, a slot picked because a review of Nielsen data showed that 90% of those watching TV at that time were over 21, notes MarketWatch. The station running the ad is KMGH, which explains its decision: “The world is changing, evolving and we need to constantly take a look at things.”


Changing and devolving.

One could easily imagine a future block of ads which would include pot, prostitution, viagra, selling gold and bail bondsmen… all in Spanish.

Stay classy, America.

13 Comments on First Pot Ad To Air on Television Monday

  1. I agree with your future ads list. I would not be surprised to see future ads about aborting babies and selling their parts. It’s all just business to A’holes who are totally without conscience.

  2. The ad will run after the local news and before Kimmel because a review of Nielsen data showed that 90% of those watching TV at that time were over 21.

    I don’t know anyone under 70 that watches local news. So the stat of “90% were over 21” is really skewed.

  3. I don’t drink but I see the main dude from 24 humping booze. Not sure what it is tho. I also don’t smoke but these cigarette commercials are just great.
    Always bought dad a carton of smokes for Xmas.

  4. People have been vaping cannabis oil for some time now. Since vapers have been out pretty much. I saw articles saying how it’s a problem.

    What jumped out at me is this marketing company says potheads watch Kimmel.

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