First Reports Said She Committed Suicide – I Smelled a Camel – IOTW Report

First Reports Said She Committed Suicide – I Smelled a Camel

Gorgeous Vogue model found hanged in dorm room.-

In the rush to judgement, authorities in Bangladesh, with an agenda, ruled it a suicide. The family is saying “not so fast.”

They suspect she was killed for being blasphemous.


Her brother, Rayyan Athif, told The Sun today that extremists were behind her death and that she was targeted for standing up for people bullied over their religious issues.

‘There have been a series of murders in Bangladesh which have been staged to look like suicides and Islamic extremists have been suspected to be behind these atrocities,’ he said.

‘Her style of clothing was branded as “immodest” and “un-Islamic” even though she adhered to the dress code in the college premises by wearing a veil covering her face.

‘But she was criticised for wearing jeans and was repeatedly told she couldn’t wear it at the Muslim college – which has a lot of extremist connections and support. Other students have also been subjected to this type of bullying.’


ht/ fdr in hell

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