First Robin of Spring, A Good Thing or Bad? – IOTW Report

First Robin of Spring, A Good Thing or Bad?

Seems there is a lot of folklore about seeing the first robin of spring.
Some say you need to “stamp” that first robin to bring good luck. Here

Others say “When robins appear a loved one is near.” They can also be harbingers of a death in the family, a “spiritual messenger” or a sign of a new beginning. Your choice, I guess, of what that first robin of spring means for you (I know what it means for my car window once that first brood leaves the nest in July). Here

22 Comments on First Robin of Spring, A Good Thing or Bad?

  1. Robins come in late January ’round here, due to the usual, like clockwork, late thaw … then the February early-month freeze kicks the robins in the ‘nads & reminds them that mating season ain’t for a month & a half … now you know why robins have blue eggs … they’re frozen! … like their balls!

    … put yer damn peckers back in cold storage ’till the spring!

  2. Robins never left.
    Waiting for the Juncos to leave – the lore is that when they go, Spring has arrived.

    Stupid fucking birds are smarter than our Political Class!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

    Junkos arrived here just yesterday. First the pine gross beaks left then the red polls then the chipping sparrows swooped in for a visit now the junkos are passing through, spring is on the way. – Dr. Tar

  3. Red Robins are always a welcome sight. Spring has sprung. The turdis Migratorius have finally arrived to eat the worms and apples that sustain them. Used to really like the Red Robin Restaurant chain, but it went to Hell and Gone.

  4. I’ve seen them all through the winter but they really start making noise early spring. Mating season which also makes them want to build nests on or around the house.

  5. “First Robin of Spring, A Good Thing or Bad?”
    Well, for the last few days my yard has been overrun with Robins. That either means I’ll win the lottery for a few million or a meteor will crash into my house.


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