First there was the term “social distancing” – now we have “fecal shedding” – IOTW Report

First there was the term “social distancing” – now we have “fecal shedding”

Dr. Ezike: Swimming Pools Are Not Safe To Use During Coronavirus Pandemic Because Of ‘Fecal Shedding’


ht/ fdr in hell

30 Comments on First there was the term “social distancing” – now we have “fecal shedding”

  1. So fecal shedding is acceptable when there are no coronavirus restrictions in effect?

    FWIW, I haven’t been a public pool since I was a child and have no intention of using them now coronavirus or no coronavirus.

  2. Our country has been shut down because of so called experts, but I regret to announce that there are no experts when it comes to the Chi Com flu! No one, including those self same experts, knows anything about this virus as they so readily admit! Everything they pronounce is just a shot in the dark and we are all suffering for it!

  3. Any chance to talk shit they’ll take it.

    Yet somehow a T-shirt wrapped around your face is supposed to be effective at stopping the virus. NOT.

    That’s how you know the face coverings are a fashion statement to show your compliance, otherwise we’d be recommended to wear something that actually stops the virus such as P100 masks and goggles.

  4. Now that was funny. After the press asked the question, the Guy at the mike said “witch doctor would like to talk about swimming pools”; then the black woman steps up to the mike. Unintended humor.

  5. The only ‘fecal shedding’ is the massive “fecal shedding” coming from the Lying prick “experts”, MSM, and commie bastard Blue elitists, governors, congressional ‘fecal shedders’, mayors and social justice asses.

  6. Unbelievable. I’m so glad I’m on the downhill slide and not coming up to the apex. It’s a world gone mad. If I were a city manager, mayor, or whatever, I would be too ashamed to make such an declaration of mismanagement of my town’s/city’s pools.

    What are we paying all these people to do? We pay for their lawyers and their security and I can’t think of a single other thing they do for us that is worth a nickel.


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