First time – IOTW Report

First time

Our own Conservative Cowgirl sent this in with this message:

First time, first morning, first shot-

49 Comments on First time

  1. I found him sleeping off his barley field binge. Lol!

    Thanks everyone for all the nice comments! Now, I need recipes while my boar is at the meat processor! I don’t have a bbq, but I have a slow cooker.

    @Anonymous: I did drop him like a sack of ‘taters. Right in the sweet spot. I have been practicing for a while so I could try to make it quick.

    @ Outdoorjohn, Moe Tom : Weatherby Vanguard “Camilla” .308 Bolt action rifle with a Leupold scope and Hornady “Full Boar” ammo. I really bought the ammo because I liked the name and the graphics on the box, but it’s also good ammo! 😉

    @DanRyanGalt, LOL! After all the preparation for this hunt, I wouldn’t waste it on those hags.

    @Ted Nougat, You should see my leg muscles. I conditioned for this by hiking up and down steep hills for between 6.5-8.5 miles carrying 25 pounds in my backpack.

  2. @Pogo, thank you! That’s more than I thought there would be!

    @Doc, Hey there! It was on a private ranch in Lockwood, Monterey County. That county has a lot of pigs and a high rate of success hunting them.

  3. Way to go, Conservative Cowgirl! It’s been awhile since I’ve been hunting. You should come back to Texas, where feral hogs abound. (I got to meet her when she & her son were in TX).

  4. @LadyGun12, Hi LadyGun! Thank you, and yes! I’ve been thinking about that. I can make it a hunting and visiting trip! Did you hunt wild pigs? My son now wants to try his hand at hunting and I’m so happy about that!

  5. Cow girl. I am so relieved. It was not an Automatic Assault Rifle, with a Bump Stock and a “thing” that sticks out, with a sniper scope and a thirty clip/magazine. LOL Great shot.
    Moan lobe.

  6. Conservative Cowgirl,
    “I don’t have a bbq. . .”

    This Owner will be in Texas sometime over the next few months and we will fix that.

    Bacon and Eggs will be payment enough if Pancakes and Coffee are included.

    Picture in Pictures appetizer menu soon.

  7. @ Conservative Cowgirl
    Recently, I mentioned on here that I had been successful in harvesting my first bear in Northern Idaho. Mr. Billy Fuster (one of the regular posters on this site) made the remark that he thought I should “go to hell”. I suppose he is an animal lover or just has a singular fondness for bears. I wished him a super sparkling day.
    Congrats on your success taking am impressive hog. Great job! I like the metalized skulls. I might do that to my bear skull.


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