First Trump Was Going To Lose – Then Appearing At Inaugural Would Kill Jackie Evancho’s Career – IOTW Report

First Trump Was Going To Lose – Then Appearing At Inaugural Would Kill Jackie Evancho’s Career

Does the left get ANYTHING right?

Now that the public is waking up to how much power they actually wield, it is clear that the media’s power to sway thinking is in major decline, and they can’t stand it.

All of the performers who stayed away from Trump’s inauguration for fear of a backlash, which the media warned would happen, are probably kicking themselves.

When Jackie Evancho signed on to sing the National Anthem on January 20th her record sales went through the roof.

Jackie Evancho’s album sales quadruple after it’s announced she will perform at Trump’s inauguration

NYDN- Jackie Evancho — the virtually unknown 16-year-old singer slated to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20 — is laughing all the way to the bank as her recent album sales have skyrocketed since her performance was announced.

Trump detractors attacked the teenage classical singer earlier this month for agreeing to perform at the event, noting that it would ruin her career.

However, it has done quite the opposite.

Evancho’s weekly album sales have quadrupled for both digital downloads and with retailers, according to TMZ.

And her album “Someday at Christmas” reportedly had to be restocked twice in local stores, TMZ reported.

Even the soprano’s Billboard spot has jumped significantly.

The “America’s Got Talent” breakout star will be singing the “The Star Spangled Banner” at next month’s presidential ceremony.

“I’m so excited,” Evancho said on “Today” about the event. “It’s going to be awesome.”


Some were fearful, some were hateful, when they made the decision to turn down Trump.

It was a stupid decision on their part.


15 Comments on First Trump Was Going To Lose – Then Appearing At Inaugural Would Kill Jackie Evancho’s Career

  1. This goes both ways. Garth Brooks is advertising some new release he has on Instagram. He’s getting killed. It’s one big F.U. after another. I saw it about 4 days ago and he had about 10K in relies and they were all negative.

  2. The left will continue to hate her because she’s white, and beautiful, AND talented.

    ….you know, because hard work combined with talent creates individual greatness and prosperity – both sworn enemies of the left.

  3. Gorgeous girl with an even more gorgeous voice! A great example for all teens and everyone…utilize your God-given talents, and work hard to make yourself better in every way. No wonder Mr. Trump invited her–she totally fits his ideal: a gracious, beautiful woman with loads of talent!

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