Firsthand Account of The Battle of Berkeley – IOTW Report

Firsthand Account of The Battle of Berkeley

Stefan Molyneux interviews Lauren Southern who spoke at Berkeley yesterday.


10 Comments on Firsthand Account of The Battle of Berkeley

  1. All this hand wringing about an antifa getting her face punched and not hitting women. Unexpected, to her, consequences for her actions. He took it easy on her and didn’t finish her, like he might have if it was a man.

  2. If this keeps up, someone is going to play the Kent State card. An “anonymous individual” from among the pro-Trump side is going to fire shots at the communists. At that point, The Establishment will declare all-out war on any conservatives who dare raise their heads in public.

  3. Grool, that was a real possibility under the Obama DoJ. May they all be indicted and rot in Gitmo.

    But a Trump DoJ will not go there.

    I don’t want to see street killings. And the more the Left sees its “scalp hunters” getting their butts kicked through endless replays on social media, the more Snowflakes will opt to stay home on Mama’s sofa.

    It’s a win win. And it doesn’t look like he was punching full force. If he had, Hipster Scalp Hunter Gurrrl would have left on a stretcher, with a very different face than she arrived with.

  4. And this is the best “street fighting force” the Official Left can turn out, in freaking Berkeley CA, in perfect weather, and on a freaking 3 day holiday weekend? A few dozen scrawny unarmed underweight anemic punks?
    Puh-leeze. The Left is always lies and bluff There is no “Obama Army” 30,000 strong standing by for orders from General ValJar and The One.

    Root out the Deep State and the Obama appointees, at all levels.
    But we can see there is no “Obama SJW Army”. Just keyboard trigglypuff comma does on Twitter.

  5. —All this hand wringing about an antifa getting her face punched and not hitting women. Unexpected, to her, consequences for her actions. He took it easy on her and didn’t finish her, like he might have if it was—

    You are celebrating a young woman who did nothing getting singled out (probably for trying to his picture, she was there as a photographer) and beaten up by Nathan Damigo, a white supremacis who has been in prison for assault and robbery and dishonorable discharged from the Marines? This is who you want on your side?

    Count me out, I’ll stay with the adults.

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