Fish Drinking Beer – IOTW Report

Fish Drinking Beer

Are they aware of beer batter??

16 Comments on Fish Drinking Beer

  1. The only thing that beats that is pelosi opening a beer with a snapper. Sorry about that, I just saw her describing a wrap up smear. For some reason it seemed to go together.

  2. 30 years ago when I could not get a handball game on Sat (most of my friends too old; moved on to racketball) I would go to the park and run, chinups, pushups, When I came back home I’d have a few brews. More than once I put my beer down and one of my dogs would drink it while I watched tv. I gave em water when we got back but they, as I, preferred a brew.

  3. Possibly related anecdote: While camping in the desert one hot sunny day I paused for a cold beer fresh from the ice chest. I noticed some ants patrolling nearby and thought they might enjoy a cold brew as well.
    So I poured a little beer in the bottle cap and placed it near them. In minutes this attracted a large crowd of ants.
    Within a short time the beer was gone, and the ants were lying around senseless, or possibly dead. Disappointed latecomers hauled away the carcasses.

    There may be lessons to be learned from this initial experiment in Social Behavior.
    If suitable funding can be arranged, I will gladly conduct further research.


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