Fisking Michael Medved – A deranged moron – IOTW Report

Fisking Michael Medved – A deranged moron

My comments are in red.

My Northwest:

Medved: Trump is worse than Hillary Clinton for president

John Adams was the second president of the United States but the first to reside in the White House. And on his first night staying alone without his wife Abigail among the columns and halls of the presidential home, he wrote her a letter with a statement so inspiring that Franklin D. Roosevelt had it inscribed on the fireplace there.

I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof.

It is an example syndicated Conservative talk show host Michael Medved pointed to on KIRO Radio’s Jason Rantz Show when he affirmed that he will never vote for Donald Trump as a Republican presidential candidate.

“I don’t think Trump fits that. I know he’s not honest and I know he is not wise,” Medved said.

Medved’s implication, after saying Trump is worse than Hillary, is that Hillary is more honest than Trump and more wise.

After Ted Cruz suspended his campaign on Tuesday, Trump has become the presumptive Republican nominee for the presidency. Medved said that he is now looking at Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

I’ve already detailed Johnson’s platform, which includes a woman’s right to choose, amnesty, an open flow at the border for the right of immigrants to work here and return to Mexico, and Johnson believes humans are responsible for global warming.

But there is another person who he believes is better than Trump — at least, who is not as bad as Trump.

“I actually believe that Trump represents the very, very worst elements of our politics and would be very threatening and damaging for the future for my kids, the republic, our economy and our national security — and really, more than any other candidate in my lifetime he represents a threat to the viability of the United States of America,” he said.

Got that? Trump is worse than Obama. Worse than Bernie Sanders. Worse than Hillary.

Trump will damage the economy more than Bernie Sanders. Trump, a man who intends on shutting down illegal immigration, shutting down the importation of Muslim refugees, and destroying ISIS, will be more dangerous to national security than any other person in his lifetime. His kids will fare better under Obama 3.0 – Hillary Clinton.

How bad could Trump be that a best-selling Conservative author, columnist, and voice listened to by 4 million people across the nation would turn his back on him?

The question should be, how mentally deranged is the NEO-conservative radio host?

“On all of the issues, the core issues that make people Conservative, Trump is wrong. He is on the other side,” Medved said.

“My inclination right now — this is a terrible situation for hosting a talk radio show … I’m not at all sure that on the issues that matter most to Conservatives that Trump is better than Hillary (Clinton). I think he is probably worse.”

The core issues that conservatives care most about in this race are what?
Hillary is a gun grabber. Trump has said he will be a protector of 2a.

Borders –
Hillary will have us looking like a combination of Mexico and Europe. Trump said he is for limiting Muslim immigration and securing the southern border.

Taxing and spending –
Hillary’s budget proposals call for more taxing and more spending. Trump is talking about a balanced budget and a simplified tax code and lowering taxes on corporations to bring manufacturing jobs back to America.

Global Warming –
Hillary is all in. Trump is a non-believer.

Judea/Christian values-
Hillary will continue the Obama legacy of cutting our Judea/Christian values at the knees at every turn, while somehow furthering the advancement of Islam.
Trump has said he would be a strong advocate for returning America into a Judea/Christian faith-based country while protecting Israel at all costs.

Political Correctness-
Hillary is a champion of SJW, BLM, LGBTZYX and strengthening the power of the vast, vast minority of people who see victimization at every turn, and creating safe spaces and placating the perpetually aggrieved. Trump hates PC bullshite.

Where are these core conservative tenets where Trump is worse than Hillary?

Who could Trump run with?

Aside from one poll that has been lambasted as misleading, nearly all data indicates that Trump could not defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton in a presidential election. In fact, Medved believes this.

Medved never believed Trump could win either, and 6 months from the election he thinks he has this one handicapped as well. Stupid people never learn, do they? I’m smart enough to know that I cannot predict the future.

“I think this means we get wiped out in the next election,” he said, which is interesting because the Republican party has done pretty well lately with record numbers of state legislators, control of the Senate and House and 31 governorships.

Now I’m getting angry. This absolute dipshit thinks we’ve been making gains? He thinks I look at a ledger sheet and sleep tight at night because there are more “Rs” than “Ds” next to politician’s names? How do these people get radio shows? 

Listen, nuckfutz, we’ve been LOSING GROUND to the left even though we’ve made ledger sheet gains. Thus, wait for it….. TRUMP, you GD moron.

Medved notes that only 10 percent of eligible voters have come out to vote in Republican primaries. And of that number, only 40 percent have voted for Trump — that factors out to about 4 percent of the eligible electorate according to Medved.

And it was much less for any other republican candidate. What’s your point?

Cruz dropped out because as the field winnowed, Trump’s percentages grew, even in states that were supposed to favor Cruz. Cruz is a smart man. Medved is a dope.

“Here we are in a situation where 40 percent of Republican voters in the primaries have said they will never vote for Trump,” he said.

And, of that 40% (if this is even an accurate percentage), there is the likes of a Michael Medved – people on the right that make little sense and who are thinking emotionally and irrationally. “Hillary better than Trump,” is the case in point.

“What’s sad about this is that it is handing the presidency to Hillary Clinton without any viable alternative for people who don’t agree with her about the direction for the country.”

Sad about what? A man ran for the republican primary and won – legally. (Isn’t that the system you want your kids to live in?) There is a viable alternative- Gary Johnson. Remember? Or do you think he’s not viable?

Medved said that instead of making any strong stance on a candidate in the wake of Cruz’s exit,

#NeverTrump is a pretty strong stance. Saying Hillary would make a better president is a pretty strong stance. What’s this stronger stance you’re hiding, Medved?

he is going to ask advice from his listeners. One listener already proposed an idea that could give Trump an advantage over Clinton. And it’s an idea that Medved hasn’t dismissed.

“The one candidate he would pick, it would horrify me but probably help him, would be Oprah. And he has said he is considering it,” Medved said.

Why are you musing about helping Trump?

“Who would be, of these celebrity candidates, more qualified and more effective?” he asked. “Oprah is a better communicator than he is.

Because of her fake British accent that she puts on?

She is more beloved.

By who?

She does have a spiritual core.

Made of chewy caramel.

She has a more inspiring story.


She worked her way up from great difficulty.

And this is what you look for in a president?

In every capacity, she is more qualified to run for president than he is.

The capacities mentioned above, or is it all of the complete leftist qualities that you’re talking about, the amnesty, the #BLM, the complete anti-conservative package?

She has run a more successful business.”

Trump is worth 4 billion dollars.

Oprah, and her empire dedicated to the spread of progressivism, is worth 3 billion dollars.

This isn’t even about Tump anymore. This is more about exposing irrational and illogical thinking.

29 Comments on Fisking Michael Medved – A deranged moron

  1. I LOVE watching the Left’s heads explode….such unreasonable statements they go into media saying…and proving themselves beyond OBTUSE…screaming Howler Monkeys is more like what they are….lies, blatant and outright, fabricated for their ends justification of the means to get there..its lovely…their careers and reputations are going down the tubes with their faulty logic and lies…

  2. Easy now, Mr. Hat. Take a couple of deep breaths and enjoy an adult beverage. I thought you were going to blow a gasket.

    I agree with you on every point and am heading for the single malt myself after reading all of that.

  3. Dipshit is known for his hatred of Third Parties, especially the “Losertarian” Party. Just crossed his own Red Line. Goodbye, credibility. And audience.

  4. LOVE IT that the heathens have loose lips and freely expose themselves for who they are (that includes Bushes, Dole and everyone else).

    Ye shall know them by what they spew !
    The entrenched establishment types hated/feared Reagan as well.

    This must be what it felt like in Colonial days when your neighbors were all-in on staying with the British Monarchy.

  5. I haven’t listened to Medved for several years, since he started to take a center-left hands-across-the-aisle turn. I didn’t realize he was still on the air.
    I have a couple of his earlier books “Ten Lies About . . . . “. But that’s what they are. EARLIER books, when he had some conservative chops.
    Doesn’t he have a PhD or something? Maybe that’s his problem, he’s OVER EDUCATED, and has lost all his common sense.

  6. Our betters gave us Dole, we lost. Then they gave us McCain, we lost. Then to go three for three they gave us Romney..we list again. I’ll support Trump a man with a set.

  7. Geraldo was on Fox “Outnumbered”, this morning mouthing Hillary’s talking points that there is nothing there, there.. Think a better name for it when the man who can’t dance is on would be “dick in the middle”.

  8. Michael Medved … Michael Medved …

    The Russian Prime Minister?
    The movie reviewer guy?
    The guy who hangs out by the dumpster?

    Guess I’ll have to boogle him …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Medved used to be a hardcore liberal Democrat who had an epiphany and became a Republican.
    He has been slowly returning further leftward to his roots with each radio broadcast since the primaries.
    Or perhaps, like most faux conservatives, covering this election has resulted in him finally revealing his true believes in certain areas.

  10. I find it humorous how people have to ‘listen’ to someone,to have an opinion of world events.
    Christ your over 21 make up up your own mind.
    ( never heard of this guy)

  11. What’s a shame is these so-called smart conservative people have to completely and utterly ignore everything Trump has said for the past year to believe at this time that Trump is more liberal than Hillary. So are these people off the grid and not paying attention? Or are they lying? Or are they stupid? How frustrating.

  12. One of Medved’s best friends is a leading, hard left, Gore-ista warmest, Phil Angelidis. He ran for governor against Arnold. Prio to that he was state treasurer for a couple terms. A local Sacramento developer made good via capitalism. He also lead Obama’s committee that “investigated” the financial meltdown. It was a snow job.

    Medved had him on his radio show about 5 years ago. He had a chance to nail him on several hot issue, especially what the committee was doing. Instead, he let PA spout his leftist crap, republican bashing, global warming crap all over the airwaves for twenty minutes, unchecked and never questioned.

    I knew PA was going to be interviewed, so I listened. The love fest told me enough about Medvedto know he was a phony RINO. I quit listening.

  13. I think Salem dumps him after this election cycle. He’s been absolutely unbearable to listen to and an embarrassment to himself and his brand. He’s been engaged in selling half truths for years, screens out educated conservative callers (No one EVER was able to make a cogent argument on why every single point he made on Boehner being a good house leader was total BS), and lately has been all but pumping Hillary Clinton on his show.

    As others have pointed out, Medved is an absolute fraud and has been exposed as such. He is every bit the eGOP water carrier I always suspected him for. I still like Salem and will support them though. Dennis Prager and Larry Elder are absolutely fantastic.

  14. Michael Medved played in the toilets and sewers of Hollywood, from when he was quite young, did he get caught in that web of perversion? Is Medved being controlled by BLACKMAIL? It is NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING how the left, including the media and the FAKE “conservatives” like Shep Smith, are so completely in lock-step with each other its hard to determine where one liar stops and the next one begins. Finally,in Donald Trump, we have a man who IS NOT controlled by the power brokers of the Democratic/Republican Party. When I realized the leadership of both wings of that Party hate Trump, that was all I had to see, TRUMP IS MY MAN! What is the “glue” that holds the Trump haters together? Is it possible, just possible, BLACKMAIL is that “glue?” The left and the “fake” right is just loaded with all kinds of perversions, not to mention an un-Godly hunger for “pizza.” If you Google any country on Earth and add the word “pedophilia” you will find “pizza-lovers” all over the world. Many of them hold jobs in law enforcement, (imagine that). Many are in the legal profession, including prosecutors and judges, (imagine that). Many are in the media (imagine that), a media in full denial of “pizza lovers.” Was J. Edgar Hoover a “pizza” lover? He certainly accumulated one of the largest collections of kiddie porn in history (all in the interest of wiping out kiddie porn, of course! Was he successful?) Wonder where that collection went? Is it still in existence? If so, who has that “collection?” J. Edgar had “the goods” on just about everyone in politics, entertainment, media, finance, education, and everyone else, . How was that “inside information” used, were the criminal perverts prosecuted? What? Prosecute criminals and give up all that enormous control? Perhaps some of you have a better, more satisfying, explanation for the mindless, unmitigated, relentless, oppressive, unabated, harsh and UNWARRANTED attacks on President Trump? Does BLACKMAIL fill the bill? For me, BLACKMAIL answers every question regarding these gratuitous and inexcusable attacks on EVERY SINGLE THING SAID AND DONE BY THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION….AND HIS FAMILY! So, when you hear these mindless libtards attack Trump, ask yourself, I wonder how they got caught up into this web of BLACKMAIL and deceit? What is being held over their head? Who has the audio and the video of their misdeeds? I AM NOT passing judgment on these desperate souls, I truly feel sorry for them. When you are young and trying to build a career, you lack the mature judgment to avoid “compromising” situations, especially when everybody else at the party is doing the same thing. Many of these “parties” are aimed at these upwardly mobile, beautiful people who might make a name for themselves one day in any of the aforenamed professions, one might even become president of the United States! Can you imagine the corrupting control we would have over that person? Oh, that’s right, several of them did become president and another one almost! When the evidence (you have to do some digging) is considered, carefully and dispassionately, how difficult is it to draw the conclusion laid out above? Do a search on FBI and kiddie porn for an interesting excursion into an FBI sting gone wrong.


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