Fisking the 84 Lumber Immigration Ad – IOTW Report

Fisking the 84 Lumber Immigration Ad

t. robeThere are just too many devastating lines in this video to pick just a few.

Nearly every line in the fisking of this video is a gem. It has just the exact right tone, asking devastatingly leading questions.

Must see-

ht/ rob e.

25 Comments on Fisking the 84 Lumber Immigration Ad

  1. I shopped at 84 for years. I am from PA and 5 miles from one. Well that is all over now. If they were trying to sell me wood they went about it all wrong. What a cluster to blow that much money on an ad and never represent your product. What a waste.

  2. That was a longass ad. I didn’t watch the SB either. But it looks like 84 Lumber is desperately seeking cheap labor both for themselves and their clients. And want’s to break our hearts doing so. A sneaky mixture of lies, sanctimony, and deceit.

  3. Well, after we hang the Liberal Nazi Hispanics in California I say we invade and proclaim Baja as part of the U.S. Spent some time there. It’s bad ass. It’s a win win. The Mex can stay there cooking bad ass food for us tourists and we can fish the Sea of Cortez. Dang that’s fun.

  4. Hussongs in Ensinada is some place every patriot needs to see. That’s where John Wayne and his friends use to stop on his boat to refresh. There’s pictures all over the walls of him, Ward Bond, Ford, and Matt Dillon all over the walls. Very cool place.

  5. I couldn’t finish watching this ad. 84 I hope you get what you deserve.

    Hi everyone, you need to study up on immigration law. Go to the Cornell University law site and look up this section:

    Then go to USCIS’ website and look up the 1952 Walter McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act

    Then read up on Title 8 (Immigration and Nationality)

    This is what you need to study in order to debate a libtard on immigration.

  6. I soooo sympathize with the owner of 84 Lumber, Maggie Magerko (inherited at age 27 from her father, James Hardy).

    It can’t be easy staffing two Fortune 400 businesses with illegals, given the required skill set is different for each.

    Not to mention bankrolling macabre gay zombie films her son produces (of which she and her husband have “cameos” **snort**).

    Given the challenges Maggie confronts on a daily basis, I have more sympathy for her than the little illegal girl with the tattered American flag. Vomit inducing.

  7. @Bad_Brad

    I am beginning to actively blame iPhone leftists creators, because off this site the auto correct is more accurate. This is the only site that I have to triple check before posting, and even then one sneaks by.

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