Fit as a Fiddle Black Kid Picks The Little White Kid To Bully – IOTW Report

Fit as a Fiddle Black Kid Picks The Little White Kid To Bully

It doesn’t go so well.

Via The Blacksphere.

ht – Jason Chisel –

Twitter: @JasonChisel




41 Comments on Fit as a Fiddle Black Kid Picks The Little White Kid To Bully

  1. I wonder if Loqueeshaniqua would be shrieking like a banshee if LeBron had gotten the better of the lil Cracka instead of the reverse?


    Nah, she would be egging him on to kill whitey.

  2. That kid knew exactly what he was going to do before he ever got near the black kid. I know from personal experience that Southern white boys can wrestle, and damn good too.

  3. Just wait until some one on the wrestling team introduces him to the Lateral Drop. The black kid would be a sucker for it. Tall opponent moving forward. Bring the pain.

  4. Bad Brad’s Little Dick
    I wrestled thru high school. Some at a junior college. Wrestled a Greco Roman club when I was a little older. Do you want a demo sometime? I see I’m still living rent free in your little mind.

  5. Stupid negro. Don’t you know better than to try this if you don’t have the white kid outnumbered 4 to 1?

    OBTW, if it’s an OLD white guy like me, with a GUN, and a spare mag, better bring more.

    But you won’t find that out until the noise starts. Damn, all them grieving grandma’s.

  6. If I had seen this earlier It would have made my day. Now it’s night. But it made my evening. That and watching Pamella Geller rip the shit out of the taint, Erin Burnett, on CNN ,made my day.

  7. No, no, no! Don’t hit knee grows inna head – you’ll break yer knuckles! Nose is okay for one good shot and one to the sternum takes the wind out of their sails, but throat, kidneys, and nuts are all easier on the knuckles. Being a wrestler myself, I’m more into submission holds, the ones which break bones.

    There is a very good reason why we call that big ol’ rock, right where you’re trying to dig a post hole, a Knee Grow Head.

  8. well of course the unfortunate black kid got the shit beat out of him. He couldnt move because his saggy pants tripped him up and exposed his red undies.

    This clip reminds me of the fight on the public transit bus between a young black thug and an old white dude. The black thug thought he had an easy target but he got his nose punched sideways – “where is the amboolamps?” and the white dude said “fuck with me on MY bus??”

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