Five Bacteria Types Identified In Aggressive Prostate Cancer – IOTW Report

Five Bacteria Types Identified In Aggressive Prostate Cancer


Researchers at the University of East Anglia have found a link between bacteria and aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

They identified five types of bacteria which were common in urine and tissue samples from men with aggressive prostate cancer.

It is hoped that these findings could help pave the way for treatments that could target these particular bacteria and slow or prevent the development of aggressive disease. More

14 Comments on Five Bacteria Types Identified In Aggressive Prostate Cancer

  1. Unfortunately, they did not mention the lifestyle of these 600 or so men, nor where the bacteria originated from. So…

    That should be the next logical steps of finding the same bacteria in their sex partners and their sexual lifestyles.

    I know that bismuth in Pepto Bismo helps reduce H. pylori bacteria causing stomach ulcers, but needs amoxillin or other antibiotics to completely kill the deep bacteria. But, this was after many years of research. Maybe this would happen for this damn thing.

    However, it might be caused by breathing “through your blow hole”…just kidding…that was a good one!

  2. Side bar:

    @pianamusic — I’m glad you mentioned H. Pylori. That bug’s discovery may be one of the last times a dedicated researcher experimented on himself and made a very important discovery. It was the Australian doctors Barry Marshall and Robin Warren who were working against accepted medical wisdom, which held that no bacterium could survive in the highly acidic stomach environment when Marshall dosed himself with the bug and developed gastric ulcers (he got better!). He proved their hypothesis very dramatically and convincingly and the two won a Nobel for their work.

    Being an anti-govt sort, I was curious about what role govt research approval and funding had on this work. I was able to swap a couple of emails with Dr. Marshall about my question. He and Warren were employed by the govt, but aside from that all their work was done on their own time and with no approval, much less funding, from the Australian health poobahs.

    Needless to say, I have great admiration and respect for what those two doctors accomplished basically all on their own.

  3. I liked the part of the article in which the researchers admitted that they had a chicken/egg dilemma with the cancer and the bacteria. Nubs. I also liked the part about the researchers working at ClimateGate University.


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