Five Finger Death Punch – Living The Dream – IOTW Report

Five Finger Death Punch – Living The Dream

If Revolver features this music video, it’s got to be good. And it is. Watch

12 Comments on Five Finger Death Punch – Living The Dream

  1. Well I must admit that the Five Finger Death Punch reference escapes me, but in my time the Five Finger Discount referred to stealing, as in stealing an election and eventually a country. Am I close?

  2. First comment, pinned below the vid is by the guitar player. I watched this yesterday and thought it to be quite relevant then took a quick look at the comments and remember that one as worth reading.

  3. @stirin the 5 finger death punch is from Kill Bill, the Master never taught it to Bill but he did to Bills daughter. It how she killed him.

    And I got their message loud and clear


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