Five Ways to Deal with the COVID Karens in Your Life – IOTW Report

Five Ways to Deal with the COVID Karens in Your Life

Townhall- In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s an undeclared civil war going on in this country – and indeed many if not most places across the globe – about our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The divide cuts across politics, geography, occupation, gender, race, religion, and even families, and yet it’s arguably as deep and as wide as any issue that has ever faced humanity.

It pits the hypochondriacs, the hysterical busybodies intent on using the virus to run everybody’s life, those who favor lockdowns and vaccine & mask mandates while refusing to discuss the science and data that opposes their worldview, against level-headed, freedom-loving individuals who know how to apprise risk and act accordingly.

If you are on Team Reality, advocates of both a sane world and a sane policy when dealing with a highly contagious respiratory virus which over 99.5% of people survive, you likely can recognize your ideological opponents merely by looking at their perpetually masked faces, both in real life (always indoors and often even outside) and almost always on their social media profiles, usually encircled by some sort of badge about being vaccinated or guarding against what they consider ‘disinformation’ (read: anything that disagrees with Dr. Fauci). You also know them by their sanctimonious, mindless repetitions of the mantras common to their cult (“Wear a mask!” “Get vaccinated!” and “Stop the spread!”), their hysterical, dramatic exaggerations of the real risk of COVID (often accompanied by some copied-and-pasted nurses’ tale of woe), their stubborn refusal to consider or even listen to any data-based arguments that go against what they consider ‘settled science,’ their calls for censorship, and yeah, often the dumb pronouns in their social media bios. read more

57 Comments on Five Ways to Deal with the COVID Karens in Your Life

  1. Just because some of us don’t want the shot doesn’t mean we don’t believe in the Covid virus. Most of us are better informed about the side effects than many of the vaccinated are. We simply weigh the risks and choose to live life rather than live in fear. That and the tyranny of forced compliance pisses us off.

  2. In the early 2000s I thought anyone who opposed our anti-terrorist efforts were uber-liberal, tree hugging leftists; or conspiracy nuts. After all, we were just trying to keep our country safe, I thought. But I was wrong. Our government, then just as now, was using an event that required a legitimate response for political and financial gain. It was about power then just as it is now and with the same hypocrisy. I really wish both sides, mine and theirs, could see that.

  3. This is what got Alex Berenson kicked off of Twitter.

    >> It doesn’t stop infection.
    Or transmission.

    Don’t think of it as a vaccine.

    Think of it -at best- as a therapeutic.
    With a limited window of efficacy and a terrible side effect profile …
    that must be dosed – IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS.

    And we want to mandate it?
    Insanity. <<

  4. The Karens of America are the close-minded fanatical supporters of the MSM.

    They should be pitied for their overwhelming lack of intelligence and their incessant adherence to being controlled like sheep.

  5. I got this car with an app that lets me remote start it and open the doors and such. It also has an onboard processor for a GPS and radio and such.

    I never named a vehicle before despite owning several and having use of many others in different jobs, but THIS one I named “Karen”.

    …because what ELSE would you call it when the car nags you about turns when its too late to take them, shows the posted speed on a screen and says there’s a speed camera ahead, bitches if you leave your lane without telling her with a turn signal.

    …and I thought the talking cars of the ’80s were bad. You know, the ones that would spam wanings in a barely controlled female voice, advising you on the edge of panic that “A Door Is Ajar!” or “Key Is In The Ignition!”, or about your feckless seat belt habits, but at least you had to be IN the car for that…

    …but with the app, Karen can not only harass you in all those ways and more, but even call you at work when she’s low on fuel or you didn’t lock a door just so she can complain that you aren’t meeting her needs.


    …the wife thought it was funny, especially when I told her that now I have TWO women to criticize my driving but she’s the more expensive of the two…until the day SHE was driving and Karen called her out for turning the wrong way in a parking lot.

    She didn’t appreciate me laughing about it, either.

    She mostly has Karen muzzled in her profile since then. I leave her up, because as much as THAT Karen bitches, she DOES keep me awake on the hour long 430 AM drive to work, and besides that, unlike the more EXPENSIVE one, its a nagging female I can safely ignore…

    …THAT Karen at least has her uses.

    The COVID kind does not.

    But as with the car Karen, after awhile you CAN learn to ignore them when its not important, with the only time the COVID one is important is when they’re calling the cops on you…

  6. My method…

    1. Tell them to stop conflating anti-mask with anti-vax. Many people took the vaccine precisely so they wouldn’t have to wear a stupid mask.

    2. Inform that outside of a clinical setting with open wounds and people suffering from depleted immune systems, masks are completely stupid, especially the idiotic bits of cloth the normal person wears.

    3. Inform them that masks don’t stop viruses but do make awesome incubators for bacteria; so making a kid wear a mask all day is bound to make them sicker; not healthier.

    4. Inform them if they think everyone else has to live like a prisoner in order for COVID karens to FEEEEEEEEL safe, then COVID karens can go straight to Hell.

    5. Let them know that they are being total assholes over propaganda in regards to a flu with a 99.9% survival rate.

  7. Well, hopefully, the Karen’s (male and female) will die off as a result of the VAX and booster shots. Unfortunately, many unaware, trusting individuals who aren’t Karen’s took the shot(s) and they’re going to suffer and/or die as well.

    It’s an ongoing, population reduction event. And it has the potential of being a civilization eliminator.

  8. “The reason why so many DeathJabbed people are pushy and adamant about you getting the DeathJab too, is because deep-down they fear that they made a stupid mistake and don’t want to be alone with their freely-chosen error. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable and enraging to them that you made the right choice and they did not. They followed “the scientism”. You HAVE to be wrong. Even if you are right, you MUST be DeathJabbed too so that everyone suffers equally.”

    Ann Barnhardt

  9. *sigh*
    If it doesn’t immunize you, it isn’t a vaccine.
    See how that works?
    Get a smallpox vaccine and you can wade in smallpox fearlessly.
    Get the polio vaccine and you can minister to polio sufferers fearlessly.

    If you take a vaccine and aren’t immunized – it AIN’T a vaccine – it’s a placebo!
    Pretty simple – even for morons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Don’t know what a horse wormer pull is. There is horse wormer paste and it’s not going to hurt you unless you take a horse dose or get the stuff with other stuff in it. That’s the problem if there is one and it’s not being made up by government and media, people are dosing themselves like they’re horses or taking the pour on shit orally.
    I don’t really know why anyone would want to take it as it’s bitter. I’ve swallowed enough of it over the years worming horses.
    I’ve also injected myself with cattle dosages of ivermectin many times over the years, not a farmer out there that hasn’t done so at least once in their lifetime.

    I’m not a doctor but I’ve been taking 1cc orally of injectable ivermectin weekly mixed with juice. Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs there is and it takes a lot to O.D. on it.
    It kind of makes me laugh though all the hysteria, being someone who has spent her life on a farm. We for most of our life have taken accidentally or on purpose just about every drug we’ve ever given to our animals and have lived to tell about it. Vets I know routinely take animal prescriptions, saves them money going to the doctor.

  11. General Malaise..
    You haven’t been Where I’ve been.. you haven’t seen people suffer with covid and it’s after effects..

    I Hope you don’t have to..

    Still my daughter cries going to and from work because of stupid like yourself

  12. Oh! And by the way, I’m still well after spending the weekend (week before last) at my niece’s where I was in close proximity of a child who “tested” positive for the wuflu Monday after I absquatulated. People die with the flu every year and have for many years now. I’ll skip the jab and its associated blood clots. Best of luck to the “science” believers.

  13. Well Groucho I have seen nobody die from covid, don’t even know anybody who has died from covid, although all of my family had covid.

    I now though have 3 family members who died after taking the shot, I have 4 family members who have been sick since taking the shot.
    I now know of 3 people that are close to my friends that died within 3 days of getting the shot.
    I have been told by ICU nurses, more than one that people are coming in daily with serious side effects from the shot, many of them dying, one of those nurses was fired for refusing the shot, another one will be fired come October 1st.
    I have now had 5 different nurses who work in a clinic where the shots are given that has told me they now keep an ambulance on the premises due to how many have severe reactions immediately after taking the shot and need to be taken to the hospital. All 5 have said if they mandate the shot, they will just have to be fired.
    I know of 6 people that are either neighbors or family members of friends who have gotten either the first or second shot within the last 3 weeks who within a week got sick and was diagnosed with covid, all but one has been hospitalized and one died.

    I also can look at data and see that the majority dying in Israel have gotten the shot. I know that even our own government is saying that people must keep getting boosters.

    I also know many nurses who I have seen cry because doctors were killing patients with ventilators and they knew what they were doing was a death sentence.

    I know the data in Iran shows ivermectin practically ended all of their deaths from covid.

    So let’s just say my personal life experiences trumps what your daughter says, hell she’s probably like these damn doctors around here getting on tv for a year crying about watching people die of covid and then it was proven they didn’t even work with covid patients, they wanted attention.
    However tell your daughter she will never have to worry about me being in her hospital because if I were to get sick again and ivermectin, zinc, vitamin c and vitamin d doesn’t cure I’d rather die at home then be put in a hospital and killed with a ventilator.

  14. Give 360,000,000 people a Tootsie roll… How many are going to be dead within a week?

    How many are going to have an allergic reaction?

    How many are going to choke?

    90% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated….

    I’m still waiting for your sources to the contrary..

  15. Groucho, you need a nap or something.
    Ivermectin is fine. Ask India or Japan.
    Maybe you daughter needs to take a break and recharge. Maybe a nap would help her, too.
    Retired RN here, and I won’t be having any of the mystery juice, thank you. If there weren’t mandatory vaxxine mandates, I could be posting this from the nurse’s station in my spare time. Fat chance of that. lol
    They killed the science of epidemiology. On tv, they did.

  16. Groucho,
    I respect your beliefs.
    Believe on. Beliefs are based on faith, not facts. That’s OK.

    I had a Covid-19 test Dec. 1, 2020 and the first sentence of the report is: “A Not Detected (negative) test result for this test means that SARS- CoV-2 RNA was not present …”
    (I will e-mail a copy to you, or to Mr. Hat (who can forward it to you), if you like)

    Get it? The test is for the flu – any corona virus flu or cold – specifically SARS- CoV-2 – that left some residual RNA in the body.

    Can’t you smell the bullshit?

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. Large Israeli Study Demonstrates The Power Of The Human Immune System Over Vaccines
    “The study shows that double vaccinated people were six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus. The study demonstrates the power of the human immune system.”
    you won’t see that is the US msm- they make too much money from pharmaceutical advertising, and they have to stick to the talking points, which change every other day.

  18. “Give 360,000,000 people a Tootsie roll… How many are going to be dead within a week?”

    I’d guess there would be 0.05% dead. Mostly newborns without teeth and old people.. without teeth.

    A different demographic, but the same number dead that will die from the coof.

    We should probably muzzle everyone and close all small businesses to prevent such tragedy and come up with a vaccine to make people not want to consume Tootsie Rolls. We all want to go back to normal and stop nurses from crying going to and from their job. Let’s do it for the future!

  19. “I get all my medical info off the back of a box of Wheaties.”

    A regular regimen of Wheaties will keep you regular. They’re also good when the woman won’t make you a sammich. However, eating too many Wheaties will make your putts long.

  20. I meant India in my post not Iran. I forgot to make sure my phone didn’t decide what it wanted to write. Groucho the data is there except in this country where they hide it.

  21. Best thing I’ve seen anyone write yet.

    This is not meant to be an exhaustive explanation. There is so much more I could say, but I´ll try and keep it as brief as possible without leaving any major part out. So, here we go.
    I will not be getting the “vaccine” …
    1. Because it is NOT a vaccine.
    Traditional “vector” vaccines have always used a dead or debilitated virus to spark an immune response that will bring protection against or lessen a potential future infection of the real, active microbe. But the COVID “vaccine” uses an unproven technology called m-RNA that manipulates human cells into producing the spike proteins of the C-Virus. It is actually deceiving your body into producing the very thing that it is supposed to fight against. Did you get that last statement? Something seems seriously flawed with this logic. And once you put this genetic manipulation in your body, there is no going back. Nope. No U-Turns allowed. You can´t “undo it”…ever!
    2. Because no one knows the long-term effects of this untested m-RNA technology.
    Even though they are restricted and censored, many scientists, physicians, and health care workers warn that the unproven m-RNA technology may possibly cause significant auto-immune problems later down the road. Among these is one of the very developers of the m-RNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone. The concern of these experts is that the body´s own, natural immune response to the SARS-CoV2 virus or other viruses will be suppressed due to this genetic manipulation. I believe we should hear the other side of expertise, and they should be given a voice: but they are not. Even Dr. Malone has been censored. Imagine that, the very guy that helped invent the stuff is only allowed to say what they want him to.
    There is a reason that US Federal law has always required all new medications and vaccines to be tested 6-7 years before public release: the possible long term side effects. Can you, or anyone else in the world declare with confidence that this “rushed remedy” will not contribute to some serious health problems such as autoimmune disorders or cancer years after receiving it? No, nobody can. Maybe it won’t. I hope it won’t. But once again, NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE DO THEY?
    Long term effects are a real concern, and I haven´t even mentioned all the people that have already died from the vaccine, or experienced severe health problems such as blood clots and strokes. These cases are infinitely more common than what is being reported and are also being censored and suppressed. Until recently, if one took to social media to explain their own negative reaction to the shot, he/she was usually censored and many times their account was completely frozen. Did you get that? They were cancelled for telling what happened to them personally. It sounds to me like contrary evidence is trying to be eliminated by the thought police. Big Tech and the social media giants are now the arbitrators of “truth.” Free speech is no more. More on this later.
    I won’t be getting the vaccine…
    3. Because of the checkered history of the companies that produce it.
    For your information, there are some things you need to know about the main producers of the COVID vaccines. Pfizer has the distinction of paying out the largest sums in world history for negligence lawsuits because of their failed products. Read that last statement again and let it sink in. And Moderna, up until now had never produced a vaccine of any kind! The JJ vax has already caused serious problems and was already recalled for a time. By the way, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses tissues from aborted babies. Yep. Look it up.
    Indeed, the development of the m-RNA vaccines actually began many years ago…as if they knew what was coming. But previous Lab results using animals were mostly complete failures. So now WE are the guinea pigs of observation. Don’t tell me you’ve done the research into the vaccine…friend, you ARE the research!
    And here’s the kicker…ALL of these companies have been granted full immunity by the federal government from all future lawsuits! These companies would not move forward with the vaccine until this protection was assured. So, I must ask: If these companies are so sure of the efficacy of the vaccine, why would they demand such protection? Am I allowed to ask that question? Yes, and so are you.
    4. Because there are already excellent treatments for COVID that have been suppressed.
    Some third world countries such as Bangladesh (where living space is similar to that of a bee hive) and Uganda have a death rate that is just a small fraction compared to the “advanced” western countries. Why is this? Because they weren’t forced to obey the false narrative and they allowed their doctors to treat the disease with trusted medicines that have been around for years like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or Regeneron. It is a fact that these drugs hinder and even stop viral replication.
    The proverbial dam of deception is breaking, and this information is now becoming more widely known every day that passes. People in the US that are able to get these medications are now even treating themselves with great success. So, if there is an easy cure, why would I, or anyone for that matter, permanently risk our future health to an unknown and unproven substance that may cause possibly life-long problems? Once again, can anyone in the world honestly and conclusively prove at this point that this will not happen? No, they can’t.
    5. Because nothing is better than natural immunity.
    Overcoming COVID naturally equips the body with the very best immune response possible. It is an immunity that protects not only against the spike proteins, but against the entire virus itself through what is called “T-cell memory response.” Protection against only the S-proteins of the coronavirus is an incomplete and only partial protection.
    This is why many virology experts such as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche have warned that the worst possible response to a viral pandemic is to produce a vaccine while a pandemic is occurring. The vaccine will only facilitate mutation after mutation: hence: The Delta virus. And unfortunately, not just Delta, but most of the Greek alphabet will probably end up having their own variant eventually. A virus cannot be stopped or eliminated; the only hope is to obtain natural herd immunity to it.
    Studies from Israel comparing natural immunity to vaccinated immunity found that “vaccinated only” people were twenty seven times more likely to develop symptomatic infection than those that had natural immunity from a C-19 recovery. I personally have already recovered from COVID, so why would I risk the possible negative side effects by taking the so-called vaccine if I already have inside me the very best defense against it?
    And can someone please explain to me why my blood cannot be tested to determine that I already possess these antigens and antibody protections to COVID? Why can’t I get my “passport” this way? Answer: because there is an agenda; an agenda to get this substance into the body of every living human being, including young children. The refusal to recognize natural immunity only stirs the pot of suspicion even more.
    Recent studies, such as one by the Cleveland Clinic, showed that after closely following 1,300 people that had obtained natural immunity, NOT ONE developed COVID symptoms after five months of close monitoring. Even if natural immunity wanes, studies indicate that future symptoms will be much less serious. And other studies from the Cleveland Clinic indicate that a person that has recovered from COVID should NOT be vaccinated! These people already have the best protection available, and if the shot is administered to them, it could produce some very negative and strange reactions as has already been observed.
    I won’t be getting the vaccine…
    6. Because “the shot” does not totally protect from infection or transmission of COVID.
    The latest honest data is proving this more and more every day. Fully vaccinated people are coming down with COVID, especially the different variants, like Delta. The “breakthrough” cases are everywhere. Their response? Get ANOTHER shot! All the experts and even proponents of mandatory vaccination are now recognizing that the C-Vax does NOT STOP THE TRANSMISSION of the virus to others either!
    One of the few countries that I semi trust with data reporting is Israel, which is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world against the C-Virus. The latest reports (August 20, 2021) showed that of all their current hospitalizations for COVID, more than 53% were fully vaccinated! Need I say more? So, all this we am hearing about getting vaccinated because we should “love our neighbor” and not be a vessel of transmission is not valid! Vaccinated people can and do pass the virus to others!
    We have come to the last point.
    I won’t be getting the shot…
    7. Because I do not trust “them.”
    At this point it is very difficult to deny that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was planned, weaponized, and unleashed on the world. Who and why, are questions that I will leave for a later time but I can´t help but wonder that if this was all planned by malevolent entities, could the Vax also be part of the “master plan?”
    We have seen how COVID deaths were pushed and exaggerated on purpose. Finding a cure with cheap, trusted, and known medicines was an option that was not even considered by the elites at the top that controlled the marionette. In the United States I saw little if any forums or experiments from independent researchers. Free discussion was suppressed. Doctors were threatened with losing their medical license and pressured into following whatever “the narrative” told them from the top if they dared question anything. Free speech was censored and restricted as never before in the history of the United States. Friend, this is not science, but purposeful indoctrination.
    I sincerely believe that millions of lives were lost that could have been saved if they were just given proper medication like the ones mentioned earlier. But curing people was never the objective… killing them was. You saw it unfold just as I did. No treatments were discussed. They did not even explain exactly how COVID was killing people because someone may just start doing their own research on how to treat it.
    No, the plan was to cause mass hysteria. The numbers were pumped and it was just hospital, intubation, and death- hospital intubation, and death- hospital, intubation and death-until of course the vaccine could be developed that is! More and more truth will come out in the months and years to come.
    So, if the visible and invisible elites at the top- the ones that control the “Narrative,” are responsible for suppressing truth, censoring free speech, and forcing everyone to conform to their group think, why would I trust them now regarding this pseudo-vaccine?
    And why should you trust them? I believe they are responsible for the loss of millions of lives. Oh, wait! Most of them like Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, and others had already publicly declared years ago of the need to reduce the Earth´s population in a drastic way. And these are the same ones that are forcing this “vaccine” on the population! Should you believe these people? Should you trust your life with them? You can make your own decision, but I will not play their game.
    It is clear that their final goal is not to save lives, but absolute control over the populace that will eventually lead to world government, which is the final end game and objective.
    And now we see “the Vax” beginning to be forced on the population. The land of the free and home of the brave is now the land of the controlled and home of the fearful. The “passports” are here, and in many places like New York, San Francisco, France, etc. you cannot go anywhere or do almost anything without them. People are losing their employment and livelihoods because of this. College students are being drastically fined. Government is taking full control. Stalin, Mao, and Fidel would be proud.
    Where and when does this all end? Maybe it doesn´t. The “virus” is here to stay. It may never go away. The variants will keep coming and so will the government overreach if we allow it. I sense something is just not right. Don’t you? The evidence is there for all who want to see it.
    So, why would I, or anybody for that matter, concede to putting a potentially dangerous substance in our body that may cause long term damage to health for a sketchy “protection” against a virus to which most have already obtained natural immunity?
    Most pre-vaccine people survived COVID at a rate of 99.98%. The vaccine does not fully protect against infection or transmission, so, tell me again why I need it?
    Indeed, C-19 presents a greater danger to elderly people as the average age of a COVID death is 82. But the average life expectancy of the general population is 78! Think about that statistic for a moment. And with the medications that are now coming to light and being made available, I can understand why even an elderly person would choose to forego the m-RNA jab.
    But one thing is sure; the decision should be a very personal one and should not be forced or coerced. Nobody should be punished, fined, or discriminated against for choosing to trust natural immunity or for doubting the efficacy of this rushed experiment.
    If you choose to trust the system and take it, that is your right and I respect it. I hope and pray that nothing bad will happen to you physically in the months and years to come. But please respect my right to choose what I do with my own body.
    I hope now that you now understand why I´m not quite ready to roll up my sleeve just yet.

  22. NIdahoCatholic, folks can do as they please and what she’s showing won’t hurt you, but I had my pharmacist figure it out for me, he can’t give me the prescription stuff, but off the record he can do the calculating.
    I’ll have to go look at my bottle, but I think she’s going off the cattle dosage.

    Different for humans, even different for different species of animals. For instance goats need a higher dosage per weight than a cow and they also take the injection orally.


    The human doses are a 150mcg/kg (68mcg/lb) dose, and a 200mcg/kg (91mcg/lb) dose.

    My Ivermectin paste is 91mcg/lb, so there is no math for that dose. Dial in your weight and go.

    The 68mcg/lb is simply a 3rd less.

    Again, don’t take my word for it. Read what you have and do the math. Paste is generally graduated in 50 pound increments. What YOU have may not be the same.

    Check the math. Then check it again.

  24. And you’d have to REALLY fuck up to OD, but people are fucking up.

    Jennifer currently has a patient who took 600 pounds worth of the shit and is in a coma.

  25. Erik the ne’er-do-well unmasked scumbag,
    Some people are stupid and we can’t fix stupid. Just like the idiots who drank fish tank cleaner. If someone takes an entire tube of horse paste yeah it might kill them. The same as if someone drank an entire bottle of injectable Ivermectin.

    Those though are the same kind of people who would OD on pain medication. I knew a lady once who did just that. Her pain medication told her to take 1 or 2 every 6 hours as needed for pain, not to exceed 8 in 24 hours. She read what she wanted to read “as needed for pain” and took 2 and in 10 minutes took 2 more, continued thinking they weren’t working when she wasn’t giving them time to work, ended up being rushed to hospital and that was the excuse she gave that it said as needed for pain.

    The same kind of people who apparently stuck a curling iron in an orifice since my curling iron says “can cause serious burns do not insert into any orifice.”

  26. BTW, I could write a book on all the stuff at the farm store that humans can use and it will work better for less than prescription stuff.

    An example is horse liniment, you can’t buy a better muscle cream. Another is an ointment for cuts, sores, burns, chapping, dry skin, etc. for farm animals called corona. It puts even prescription Hydrocortisone to shame for rashes or chapped skin. Then there is an udder cream for cows, you have dry hands or feet and it will smooth them up in no time.

    Hell most of the stuff made for animals is probably safer than human drugs because almost all of it has been around for years and not as much money to made coming up with new shit for livestock.

  27. I see that a resident Karen called the unvaccinated morons for not taking an experimental mRNA concoction with sometimes lethal side effects and without any data about long term side effects. Brilliant display, Karen.

  28. There’s an extremely useful chart about how to calculate the dosage and instructions on taking ivermectin as a prophylactic against the Wuhan virus at the American Partisan:

    Scroll down until you see:
    Part Two: Dosage Chart for Ivermectin Pills.

    The chart covers not only the standard 3 mg pills, but also the 1% solution and the 1.87% paste, both to be taken orally by humans. The article cites the source for the chart data.

    One last note. I happened to be looking at online sources and found that Amazon will sell you a bottle of the solution intended for injection for about $80 for the 50ml bottle. Tractor Supply will sell you a 250ml bottle – FIVE TIMES as much – for about the same price. Tractor Supply will also sell you veterinary syringes and needles, although they won’t ship those to your house, you have to pick them up at the store.


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