FiveThirtyEight Finds “Masculine Men” Stuck With Their President – IOTW Report

FiveThirtyEight Finds “Masculine Men” Stuck With Their President


Of course, the idea that men who identify as more masculine would be more supportive of the president isn’t that much of a shocker considering they have been among his biggest fans from the beginning. According to the AEI survey, that was true this year as well: When broken out by how masculine or feminine they identified themselves, completely masculine men were the only group where the majority (60 percent) said they had voted for Trump. More

21 Comments on FiveThirtyEight Finds “Masculine Men” Stuck With Their President

  1. Most Men respect others who have shown they can take some bad hits and keep at it regardless. To them, after seeing the constantly attacking ankle biters to big dogs going for him while he gives them nothing except his Mr. Nasty grin,
    the Donald is both liked and respected.

  2. Trump has told you where he wants to take a piss.
    You’d best get out of the way.

    Masculine? Maybe. Can he split his own firewood like I do? Doubtful. But maybe. He’s got people. I don’t.

  3. As far as men go, actual alphas appreciate other alphas more than any betas. Betas get chuckled at with some eye rolls added in.

    It’s the wannabe alphas that are annoying and need a beat down at some point. Keyboard warriors fall into this group. A real alpha doesn’t need to do that.

    Or so my experience has been.

    PDJT is an alpha. That’s why we love him and don’t think his faults are deal breakers. No one is perfect, we just look at what you bring to the party.

  4. I dropped my kid off a school today. I have a F@CK Trudeau sticker on the back of my Van along with a Thin Blue Line sticker & and an Alberta Flag.

    The Guy behind me dropping off his kid was eyeballing me.

    He had several Biden Harris & BLM stickers on his Queef Utility Vehicle. Sad thing is this is in Toronto and his plates were Ontario.

    I looked straight at him like he was piss Flap. Fuck Em!

  5. Beta males think they need babying, so they often go along with other betas who promise them becoming make-believe alphas, like Obama. Or, they start dressing in women’s clothing, and demand to be included in women’s sports.
    Or they get involved with insane feminists, who shit all over them. Beta males are made, not born.

  6. Why……why do Canadians have American political bumper stickers?

    Does our country reciprocate?

    Not familiar with any Canadian politicians besides Caillou and Loonette….. oh, and that French Canadian Sasquatch guy.


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