“F**k off, fascist.” – IOTW Report

“F**k off, fascist.”

NBP:  Global warming skeptic responds to Massachusetts AG’s subpoena.

Alex Epstein had a terse response to a subpoena sent by Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey last week.

Healey demanded the oil giant ExxonMobil hand over 40 years of documents, including information pertaining to the company’s dealings with about a dozen think tanks and trade associations, which have been targeted by environmental groups for opposing left-wing global warming policies.

Healey’s subpoena targeted the Center for Industrial Progress (CIP), a for-profit think tank founded by Epstein. Epstein wasn’t exactly happy about being targeted for disagreeing with Healey on global warming, so he sent the AG’s office the following response:

F**k off, fascist.”


8 Comments on “F**k off, fascist.”

  1. Hummmm, I wonder if I could use the same response on April 15th next year?

    Just kidding! Don’t send the black helicopters!

    Anyway, good for them and DON’T GIVE UP!!!!

  2. I like that answer. Short, sweet, and to the point. No ambiguity.
    GO EXXON!!!
    The thing that makes it possible, is that Exxon has just as many, and just as good, lawyers, as Mass-hole-chusetts. If it were you or I, ordinary citizens, we’d already be under the jail. So, once again, GO EXXON!!! Show us all that the Empress has no clothes.
    Now, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, fascist extraordinaire, the ball is in your court. Now what? Shit? Or go blind?

  3. Didn’t the head of the EPA use a pseudonym for e-mail exchanges, and text messages outside of EPA purview, so she could hide her plotting by avoiding open records laws? And why did she do that? Because she was giving a big “F*ck off” to us very taxpayers that are funding her paycheck.
    I wish the EPA was really helping us instead of plotting against us.

  4. Go Alex! And Go AGs from other states who indicated to Massachusetts that if the Mass AG can sue companies for understating the risks of global warming, Al Gore and others can be sued for overstating the risks. The Mass AG would be wise to drop the inquiry.

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