Flagstock 2024 A Roaring Success – IOTW Report

Flagstock 2024 A Roaring Success

Washington Free Beacon

Flagstock 2024 was the culmination of a GoFundMe campaign [John] Noonan launched in May to “buy a few kegs” for the UNC-Chapel Hill fraternity brothers who defended the American flag from a seething mob of pro-Hamas protesters. It ended up raising more than $500,000 from donors across the country who prefer freedom to terrorism.

Noonan, a national security consultant, had no experience planning an event of this magnitude. Nevertheless, he persisted. Country music legend John Rich and others signed on to perform for free, vendors donated equipment and services, local veterans volunteered to help prepare the venue. A “rager” was promised, and that’s precisely what Noonan and his team delivered Monday night at the American Legion complex in Chapel Hill. More

3 Comments on Flagstock 2024 A Roaring Success

  1. I like the idea of GoFundMe but hate the dirty rotten fascists that run it, they are of the same ilk as Disney, Nike, and Bud Light.

    But all those pro Hamas pussies are the JV, the real defilers of liberty are the leftists who fund these pigs and want everything we hate to come to pass.

  2. The security must have been incredible. Free Palestine activists and other demoniacs didn’t go near this great event. Glad everything went as planned and the frats had fun. Well done! God bless the USA!


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