Flake News- Jeff Flake Lands Job as CBS News Contributor, Won’t Run in 2020 – IOTW Report

Flake News- Jeff Flake Lands Job as CBS News Contributor, Won’t Run in 2020


Breitbart: Former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is joining CBS News as a contributor, the network announced Tuesday.

Appearing on CBS This Morning Tuesday, Flake discussed his future role at the network and revealed he will not launch a primary challenge to President Donald Trump in 2020. “I have always said that I do hope that there is a Republican who challenges the president in the primary,” he told co-host John Dickerson. “I still hope that somebody does, but that somebody won’t be me. I will not be a candidate.”

The development comes after reports that Flake, who was among the Senate’s most vociferous critics of President Donald Trump, met with CBS News executives at Manhattan offices earlier this month. At the time of the report, the Hollywood Reporter said the former lawmaker could “serve in the standard role for ex-politicians, as an on-air contributor — or as something more.”

Flake is the latest Never Trumper to join a major news network.  more here

22 Comments on Flake News- Jeff Flake Lands Job as CBS News Contributor, Won’t Run in 2020

  1. CBS Help Wanted Ad:
    Punk Wanted- are you willing to pit your shamelessness against your fellow citizens? Then we want you on our team. References, capabilities, resume, no problem here. Just a willingness to lie for pay. A spiteful hatred for the President a must. Unlimited salary potential, just bring us your ego and disregard for your soul. Apply TODAY!

  2. Good. I don’t watch CBS. And people wonder why people don’t watch MSM anymore – uh, duh, when your ‘republican’ contributor is a Flake, Dowd, Navarro etc. you really aren’t offering up any opposing view points.

  3. That’s good. Now he doesn’t have to leave the DC area. I’m sure the last thing he wants is to move back to rural Arizona and be surrounded my smelly peasants with their guns and Bibles.

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