Flake Virtual Signals – IOTW Report

Flake Virtual Signals

Flake votes to send nomination to senate but he will make a motion on the senate floor to delay vote on confirmation until a FULL FBI INVESTIGATION.

I say seat Kavanaugh and investigate Kavanaugh for the next 30 years. Why truncate it to just 3 or 4 days?



32 Comments on Flake Virtual Signals

  1. Now we know why there was a delay in getting all the committee back in session….in my humble opinion.

    Flake is doing his best to screw anything President Trump wants and is simply carrying on the torch of the dearly departed McCain.

  2. Flake is running for CNN/MSNBC talk show host and panel contributor.

    Coons flipped him and Amy Klobuchar came out smirking to the cameras about what a better spot they’re in now then they were a 8 am this morning.

    So thanks, fuckface for putting 7 more days on the clock for another week of smears and defamation that will not result in one Democrat switching their vote when nothing comes of it and the goalposts are moved again.

  3. He’s not running for re-election, but the ass hat has mentioned several times his future plans include “re uniting the GOP”. I assume he means against Trump. Sounds like he’s thinking about running against Trump in 2020. I can’t wait to see those debates.

  4. If Flake brings along the other fence sitting Republican Senators once the FBI investigates all these unprovable allegations, then this may work out. On the other hand, if they find anything else, the Democrats will use it to delay this until Judge Kavanaugh can be defeated after the midterms. Between now and then, they will cook up another dozen accusers to smeer Judge Kavanaugh.

  5. So the FBI investigates for a week,finds nothing then creepy porn lawyer trots out another “survivor“ and the dems say we need another week then another “survivor “ and on and on. Then what?

  6. Flake’s hate for Trump is so insane he won’t even do the right thing and confirm one of the most qualified people to be appointed because Trump appointed him. And the Dems know that and worked him over and will continue to do so.

  7. Progressive (establishment) Republican politicians are a greater threat to the Constitution than any Democrat politician. I have held that opinion for going on four decades and I firmly believe it. They are deceitful lying bastards who will dry shave you when the chips are down and do it with a clear conscience.

    Democrats don’t lie to their constituencies, they are a menace for sure, but not to the degree that the Bush wing of the Republican Party is.

  8. They want the FBI because they know that they’ll put great pressure and threats on the people AND their FAMILIES to get the answers they want out of them. They recently proved that.

  9. Yes, Flake’s a McCain traitor. That said, the silver lining is, as Justin Walton wrote,

    “Grassley used Flake to get the Dems to the chamber to vote [i.e. GET A QUORUM]. The Dems expected to vote on a motion (presumably something binding), but Grassley steamrolled and called the report vote. The Dems are stuck with a “gentleman’s agreement” with just Flake, and that’s it.”

    You take what you can get until the voters can (or the Senate can *afford* to) eject the flotsam/jetsam. With such a slim majority, this sort of sh!t is bound to happen. True colors and all. Get even 55-57 Rs in the Senate, and you can say FU to a couple of such traitors with ease.

  10. The leftist Flake has been a GWB spear thrower for 15 years! In 10/16 GWB loudly told us all to vote Clinton; as did his dad, mother, wife and daughters. GWB has attacked Don many, many times since 1/17 – The most recent and loudest in 2 months – was the funeral 2 weeks ago.

    That Flake wants Don to fail should surprise no one! The entire Bus/Hagger Clan want Don to fail!

  11. I actually meant to post this here, but posted it on another thread. I will post it here anyway

    Thinking this over on the way home: Lindsay, this act today by Flake is more despicable than the part of this whole charade that we have seen the Demorats play. Flake has been maneuvering behind the scenes, working with Schumer and other Democrats to spring this at just the “right” moment to inflict the most damage. This has been being coreographed and from day one bastards like Flake have been an integral part of the dance.

    Fucking establishment Republicans like Flake are vipers. They are two faced, lying hidden in the grass snakes waiting to spring and inflict their poisonous bite at just the right moment. If it were not so predictable it could be that he had an epiphany today, but at what point does the pattern no longer deserve the benefit of these repeated events being coincidental? Statistical probability just does not even suggest a snowball’s chance in hell that this event today was not taken straight out of the Democrat/ratfucker Republican playbook.

    Any other conclusion leaves credulity so far in the dust that it is no longer even visible in the rear view mirror.

  12. To be fair, I didn’t start actively voting in mid term elections until the most recent one. I kinda didn’t see the point because Flake and McCain always won. It took Trump winning to help me see that maybe there some hope after all.


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