FLASHBACK: Beau Biden Agreed to Lenient Plea Deal for DuPont Heir Who Raped 3-Year-Old — No Prison Time – IOTW Report

FLASHBACK: Beau Biden Agreed to Lenient Plea Deal for DuPont Heir Who Raped 3-Year-Old — No Prison Time


A well-connected heir to the Dupont fortune got no prison time after admitting to raping his three-year-old daughter, thanks in part to the actions of then-Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

It was February 6, 2009, when Robert H. Richards IV, the great-grandson of Irénée du Pont, the heir to his family’s fortune, admitted to the crime, The News Journal reported.

Richards was charged with two counts of second-degree rape in October 2007, punishable by a minimum of 20 years in prison if convicted

“Attorney General Beau Biden’s office indicted him on the same charges in January 2008,” explained the News Journal. “But in June of that year, days before a scheduled trial, [prosecutor Renee] Hrivnak allowed Richards to plead guilty to one count of fourth-degree rape, which carries no mandatory prison time with sentencing guidelines that recommend a sentence of zero to 30 months in prison.”

“I feel horrible what I did to my daughter,” the defendant said during his hearing in front of Superior Court Judge Jan R. Jurden.

“I feel very remorseful and very sad about what, the damage that I’ve done to her. There’s no excuse for what I’ve done to her. It’s horrible and, and I’d like probation, like [attorney Eugene] Maurer has said,” he begged.

The judge gave him an eight-year prison sentence but suspended all of it in favor of Level-II probation which would require an intensive treatment program at an inpatient psychiatric clinic in Massachusetts and monthly meetings with a probation officer. more here

17 Comments on FLASHBACK: Beau Biden Agreed to Lenient Plea Deal for DuPont Heir Who Raped 3-Year-Old — No Prison Time

  1. A certain individual with prominent horns is boning Beau in the caboose as we speak!
    None of the Biden’s have ever made a good deal, and he’s paying for this one now.

  2. There’s been no investigative journalism of Beau Biden. Everyone takes at face value how he was such a great guy. I suspect that even a cub reporter could dig things up on this guy and while he perhaps wasn’t as corrupt as his brother Hunter or his father Joe that we’d find that he has done some awfully bad stuff for personal or family gain.

  3. Just be thankful that the (supposedly) really good Biden passed away, otherwise the really twisted one would have been caught cuckolding his brother and sharing drugs with his niece.

  4. A three year old. He raped a three year old. He needed his ticket on the planet cancelled.

    He should have had his head lopped a hundred feet from the courtroom where he was found guilty. About two minutes after the verdict.

    Monsters are real.

  5. He demonstrated exactly what we have with the all the Bidens and others. Zero conscience, anything goes, and then deny, lie then cut a special deal.
    Still, who the hell gets turned on by a 3 year old? And your own daughter at that?
    Some father. That girl will never be right in the head.

  6. Bloodlines of the Illuminati – By Fritz Springmeier

    Guess who is ONE of the families carrying the DNA of Satan

    (Drum roll……)


    Yeeeeepers! Did you think people engaging in Satanism would be punished? Give me a break. Now you know why the District of Corruption, no one is ever really punished other than getting “fired” and then waiting it out until a friendly administration comes back into power, and they have a job waiting for them.


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