Dr. Milton Wolf @MiltonWolfMD ·The MSM can ignore and downplay how frail and hypocritical Biden is but all they will do is continue the suicide of journalism. https://dailycaller.com/2021/03/19/joe-biden-mocks-do

A random meme.
And another meme.
From Babylon Bee: Putin Challenges Biden To Stair-Climbing Contest
Yep. It’s Trump’s fault. 🤣
Maybe this will prevent another fall.
Oh hey! Putin’s at his Karate Klass
Hold on! One more meme. t/y Gunny!
Is it true this was an autistic body-double?
Trump curse strikes again.
He also mocked how Trump runs the government, implying that he, (Joey), could do so much better.
Putin puts people on the mat, Jackass Joe puts people out of work!
I can’t wait for Karma to rear it’s ugly head for the Retards remark on how he was going to haul Trump behind the barn and beat his ass.
According to the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media’s stenographers this didn’t actually happen to President* Joey Obiden Bama. This is really bad Not News, because it means Poor Joey is going to have to take a header down these treacherous steps and suffer a brainer in order for them to give this story some space below the fold or on the Communist Collusion Network. Perhaps, President* Noddy will take Dr. Jill down with him the next time he gets tackled by these treacherous stairs. That would amount to payment in kind for her elder abuse.
And what will SNL do tonight?
Marco MARCH 20, 2021 AT 12:34 PM
“…it means Poor Joey is going to have to take a header down these treacherous steps and suffer a brainer…”
…only if he lands on his ass. All Democrat “thinking” comes from below the waist, either the crotch or the anal sphincter or both.
That’s why you never shoot a Democrat in the head, there’s nothing valuable or important in there…
With Robo Joe Bama, even his own words mock him.
Marco MARCH 20, 2021 AT 12:34 PM
“Perhaps, President* Noddy will take Dr. Jill down with him the next time he gets tackled by these treacherous stairs. That would amount to payment in kind for her elder abuse”
…it could happen.
Notice how, in every picture where the Biden’s are in actual contact, Jill stays as far away from the pervert as possible.
…not that it isn’t reasonable, considering that EVERYONE should stay as far away from The Pedophile as possible so good instict THERE, but as far as elder handling is concerned, it’s not very helpful.
One of the earliest things you learn when handling ill or elderly, but still ambulatory, patients is that you can’t trust them NOT to fall. Lots of reasons for this, but if you’re handling such a one you need to be prepared to unexpectedly have to accept their full weight and be able to support them without damaging them. an early training exercise for this sort of thing is for the Squad Lieutenant to ask newbies to show how they would handle a walking paitent to lead them to an ambulance. Most (me included) are not high-contact people by nature, at least not with strangers, so they would grasp a wrist, a lower arm, even just hold a hand as the way they would do that. This is NOT acceptable because if you’re elderly charge were to fall, as they demostrated, you would NOT be able to control it. Either you would lose your grip, get pulled over on top of them because they build some momentum before the arm pulls tight in your hand, or – even worse – you dislocate a joint or break an arm on your patient because they have weak bones and connective tissues, and your fulcrum is WAYYY at the end of the lever you are holding, so they get maximum downforce on fairly weak structures.
So what you have to do is get in close, get your upper arm up under an armpit and wrap your lower arm around the patient’s, or hold them cross-torso from behind and in front with both arms engaged, basically have a firm grip on large, relatively immobile parts of the patient so if they DO collapse, you are levaged and positioned to accept their weight and at least control, if not stop, their fall (depending on the weight ratios of caregiver to patient).
…so yeah, if the Pedo goes, either Jill goes over WITH him…or lets go.
…I’m guessing “lets go”.
…she may be evil, but I bet that SHE hates The Pedo at LEAST as much as, if not MORE than, the REST of us, she just takes her own advice and “swallows a little bit” for the prestige of being First Lady and the power of having press coferences with hin as her marionette and the thrill of signing nation-destroying executive orders in his fraudulent name, thus making her mark on history and wreaking vengance on the nation that forced her to have to cozy up to this sicko in order to BE somebody…
I can’t get enough of this. Mankinds one large leap to fame
What Biden called President Trump stumbling down the steps was in actuality President Trump walking slowly down the steps. No stumbles.
But Biden couldn’t leave it at that, he actually felt he had to brag that he runs up and down steps. This is on a par with taking a chain to his fictitious ‘Corn Pop.’
Biden is as they say a legend in his own mind.
This is textbook Critical Theory in practice. The opposition gets mocked and ridiculed constantly for any offense, no matter how minor, irrespective of whether it is real or perceived and even the grossest of their own transgressions are overlooked, buried or explained away by their accomplices in the media.
Straight up following the Frankfort School textbook
The Goddamned Republican establishment doesn’t fight back because they are in on it. The only politician able to get traction fighting back by calling them out on their bullshit is Donald J Trump.
^^^ “…So what you have to do is get in close, get your upper arm…”
he needs a gait belt with a +2 assist.
watch for the new ‘boob belt’ for men
name works- he is a boob
My video:
llolol ^^^
We all knew that Biden is a lightweight, but this is ridiculous!!!