Flashback: Camille Paglia on Pronouns – IOTW Report

Flashback: Camille Paglia on Pronouns

This was over 5 years ago. She was right them she is right now.

ht/ Beachmom and Joe Dan Gorman


5 Comments on Flashback: Camille Paglia on Pronouns

  1. People that subordinate themselves to the pronoun game are simply telling the world,”I’m a sheep, can’t think for myself and take comfort in my mediocrity, blending in amongst the crowd. There is security and validation in just one of many. Being unique has its own set of pitfalls, I could be exposed and examined, evaluated on my merits and not that of the tribe as a whole, who needs that? Better to just go along to get along, now leave me alone”.

    If a new tik-tok craze hit the culture, one where if you wanted to be one of the cool kids you had to say,” Shamma lama ding dong” every time you introduced yourself. This would instantly announce your street cred to the other person, much like a secret handshake. This pronoun garbage is just as stupid as that.


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