Flashback: Chris Matthews Acted Like a Creep Toward Burnett, Boxer, Trump – IOTW Report

Flashback: Chris Matthews Acted Like a Creep Toward Burnett, Boxer, Trump

NEWSBUSTERS/ With the latest sexual harassment news about MSNBC‘s Chris Matthews having to pay a $40,000 settlement to an assistant producer for Hardball in 1999, can anybody be really surprised? The reason is that Matthews over the years has a record of very strange behavior of a leering nature around women, much of it recorded for posterity. Two notable examples are presented below, starting with the the uncomfortable 2007 incident in which Matthews asked then-CNBC’s Street Signs host Erin Burnett to lean in closer to the camera so he could get a better look at her (and presumably her chest).  WATCH

10 Comments on Flashback: Chris Matthews Acted Like a Creep Toward Burnett, Boxer, Trump


    He seemed to be playing with Burnett, and he admired Melania Trump.

    I’m really getting sick of these attempts to make something out of nothing. I actually feel sorry for Al Franken. Inappropriate fine. Apologize, and move on. That’s what we used to do in the old days.

    Now everyone has to lose their job. This “gotcha” stuff has really gotten pretty ticky tack lately.

  2. “Now everyone has to lose their job. This “gotcha” stuff has really gotten pretty ticky tack lately”…

    Not everyone, we just need to catch up with the scumbag piece of shit leftist scumbag domocrats that have weaponized any words or harmless behavior they deemed inappropriate and used to destroy many good people for a long time going on now. So fuck them.

  3. Hey it’s straight from the commie playbook, Rules for Radicals. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

    Leftist scum like Mathews have been pushing this crap on us for many years now, so now that their the ones being hoisted by their own petards, I’m inclined to enjoy it!

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