Flashback: Diane Feinstein when she was only about 85% insane – IOTW Report

Flashback: Diane Feinstein when she was only about 85% insane

Here’s Dianne discussing the problem of parasites flooding our country and draining our resources and committing crimes.

10 Comments on Flashback: Diane Feinstein when she was only about 85% insane

  1. A lot of democRATs had this position back then.
    Some one should assemble of video montage of these.
    BTW – The new frontier for the democRAT voter base is now convicted felons in prison. Expect more Liberal gibberish on this in the coming years!

  2. Another example of democrats and RINOs willingness to destroy The US for personal and political gain.

    The Congress as a whole does not represent its constituents above personal/political gain.

  3. Not enforcing this country’s immigration laws has ensured that this woman has been re-elected without any serious opposition since she replaced Pete Wilson in 1992. Pete Wilson resigned his Senate seat to run for Governor. Wilson was a supporter of California Proposition 187, which would have helped prevent California from turning into a Third World Shithole. Now, this 84 year old Senator wants another six years to finish the job of destroying this country. Term limits, anyone?

  4. It breaks my heart to listen to President Clinton’s 1994 speech on immigration, and listen to the democrat phonies now. Most Americans pay no attention. They better start. The media are a force against America.

  5. So she KNOWS why the wall benefits America.

    But since then she’s learned how a wall damages the Democrat causes and apparently Democrat causes trump America’s benefits.

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