FLASHBACK: Hawaii Official Who Allegedly Withheld Water From Firefighters Says ‘Equity’ Comes First – IOTW Report

FLASHBACK: Hawaii Official Who Allegedly Withheld Water From Firefighters Says ‘Equity’ Comes First


A Hawaii official accused of withholding water from firefighters battling Maui’s deadly wildfires said last year that the state should make access to water conditional on “conversations about equity.”

M. Kaleo Manuel, who was deputy director of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management, has been under scrutiny since local media reported that he delayed releasing water to firefighters who were battling last week’s wildfires, which killed at least 111 people.

The West Maui Land Company alleged in an Aug. 10 letter to Manuel that his commission declined its request to divert streams to fill reservoirs until the wildfires worsened and caused significant “devastation.” According to Honolulu Civil Beat, sources said Manuel was responsible for the delay. They said Manuel asked the company to consult with a local farmer about the impacts of diverting water before he would approve the request. more

30 Comments on FLASHBACK: Hawaii Official Who Allegedly Withheld Water From Firefighters Says ‘Equity’ Comes First

  1. He should have all his wealth be given to the recovery effort, then forced to help rebuild in whatever capacity he can, before he goes to prison.

    The Biffs should fill up pretty quick with that much reconstruction. Lots of work for him.

  2. Hopelessly brainwashed liberal democrats with incurable voting habits deserve their fate. If elections were held tomorrow, they’d go hungry and donate Biden’s $700 payoff to make sure everyone they voted for last time is reelected. Ron White is right. You cannot fix stupid. Darwinism at work here?

  3. …you know, when I was a firefighter, I not only considered an arsonist to be an atttempted murderer, I considered him to be an attempted murderer of ME, as it was HIS deliberate actions that put MY life in danger.

    I would regard someone who shut down my hose stream while I waz actively engaging a fire as WORSE.

    …a hose stream isn’t just “wet on red”. You can con it down to solid to break windows, knock down walls, tear through debris to hit the heart of the fire. You can open it to a broken stream to maximize suppression area while giving electricity no path back to you. You can use it to entrain air to provide ventilation out an opening to see and to rescue. You can wet an unburned area or tank to prevent spread or an explosion, and you can open it wide to protect anyone behind it from encroachimg flames. Taking water from an engaged nozzleman is tantamount to taking both sword AND sheild from a night in the middle of a war. It can be IMMEDIATELY deadly for the entire crew and anyone they are trying to rescue. Few things would be more terrible than to battle your way to the midst of an inferno, only to have the hose go unfathomably limp before the suddenly revitalized flames licking greedily at their turnouts.

    Give that guy to the fire crew. Let him have a short drill in alternative uses of a pickhead axe and a Hallagan tool.

    Then throw whatever’s left to the sharks that he may end his evening as fish shit on the ocean floor.

    He has well earned it.

    Aloha Oe indeed.

  4. The fires is a perfect example of democrat equity.

    Goolish democrats say you need to provide boxes for the smaller people to stand on to watch a show from behind a fence without paying. Then the big, medium, and small people can all equally, ahem excuse me, equitably see the show.

    What actually happens is democrats take an axe to the tallest person’s knees. Then all of them equitably can’t see the show.

    Don’t sound sirens, don’t provide defense, you’re all equitably fucked.

  5. In the name of “equity” (whatever the fuck that means), he should have the water shut off to his house and neighborhood, then burn down his house. With him trapped in it.
    In the name of “equity”.

  6. Another primer on how absolute Demonrat corruption fosters complete real world incompetence when faced with the reality of disaster.

    100% of the emergency infrastructure in Hawaii is occupied by lazy, incompetent make work appointees, and employees of a systemic patronage system to just draw a tax payer funded paycheck.

    In my long ass career I did a year’s tour as an Liaison Officer in the 5th Army Operations Center.

    We were the ones that integrated federal military assets and personnel into disaster response, relief, and recovery.

    Our primary response at the time was post 911 security Operations but we also had Katrina.

    Katrina, just like Maui was a complete tip to tail utter debacle, it was like dealing with corrupt/spoiled toddlers and children.

    10O% of the civilian response leadership at the state, parish, city, and community level were corruot Demonrats who actively interfered and complicated our 3R Operations.

    We succeeded in spite of them, not because of them. The 3R system is developed from the bottom up from local, to county, to state to federal.

    That is why it is supposed to take time for federal assets to deploy.

    The disaster infrastructure beneath federal is designed to operate and susstain itself for 3 to 10 days before federal deployment.

    Just like Katrina, Maui’s enture system failed in 15 minutes. That’s the price societies pay for Blue control and “leadership”.

    Every single time it’s tested, it fails, and Uncle Suger has to take charge and everyone is all pissed off that the federal gubmit was not in charge from the jump.

  7. I making some likely ignorant assumptions here but how did the “The West Maui Land Company” get involved in requesting diversion of streams to fill a reservoir to release water for firefighters in an emergency? Presumably fire departments have plans for water sources, knew about the reservoir and supplying streams. During an emergency, why did the fire department chain of command apparently politely ask to use a source of water?

  8. “Another primer on how absolute Demonrat corruption fosters complete real world incompetence….” Nope, the powers-that-be finally cleared that extremely valuable oceanfront property and now will do what they please with it. Not incompetence, EVIL!

  9. @ Cisco
    You are correct, Katrina was an example of what happens when you have a blue city completely corrupt and people too stupid to evacuate and then blame everybody but themselves.
    I have a friend that was there in the reserves to help and ended up camping out near a auto repair shop and after one of his patrols they came back and the cops were there loading the guys tools from the auto repair shop into the cop cars. Believe it or not, the cops started shooting over their heads, and they return fire over their heads and then the cops took off. That Ronald Reagan quote about we’re from the government we’re here to help is appropriate.

  10. The residents will demand some firings. Looks like one alreay took place. It would be good equity to fire M. Kaleo Manuel, and cut his water off to his house – fir and equitable. His day is coming. He forgets he lives on a very small island with few places to hide. Is his house still standing? Have the vigilantes let loose with their pitchforks yet?

    Maui’s chief of emergency management resigns amid criticism


  11. @Wylie, I was thinking that, too. I would think they would have the helicopters capable of attaching one of those big water buckets like we have where I live. They scoop water and dump it on fires where it’s difficult to get firetrucks in.


  12. Conservative Cowgirl AT 9:38 AM
    “@Wylie, I was thinking that, too. I would think they would have the helicopters capable of attaching one of those big water buckets like we have where I live. They scoop water and dump it on fires where it’s difficult to get firetrucks in.”

    …those could injure or kill people in the area because widlands are not occupied but villages are; water is heavvy and bucket drops are a lot of water in a relatively small area all at once and not very specific, as well as having NO way to warn people below. they are about to have a swimming pool thrown on them. This could collapse structures, roll vehicles, flatten people, and could well wash them out to sea.

    Not recommend for heavily occupied areas




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