Flashback—Jake Tapper Grills AOC: ‘Did You Call Them Concentration Camps’ ‘When Obama Was President?’ – IOTW Report

Flashback—Jake Tapper Grills AOC: ‘Did You Call Them Concentration Camps’ ‘When Obama Was President?’

Newsbusters: It’s quite rare you see a journalist actually grill a Democrat, particularly on his/her hypocritical partisanship. On CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper Thursday afternoon, the host repeatedly pressed outspoken Democrat congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to answer for inflammatory comments she’s made recently about the border and the Trump administration, which have largely escaped media scrutiny.

Tapper didn’t pull any punches, asking the congresswoman to explain why she voted against both bills put forth by Congress to give more money to the immigration detention centers, while she complained on Twitter about them not being properly funded:

“But Congresswoman, didn’t you vote against the House version, too?”

And again:

“If you opposed Senate bill and you also opposed the House bill, I’m wondering what it is that you’re willing to support that could pass in either the House or the Senate?”

The Democrat defended herself as waiting for a “truly humanitarian bill” and shoving blame onto Trump for not calling these detention centers a “national emergency.” Tapper kept pressing, asking one more time,“[B]y opposing both bills, aren’t you just ultimately depriving these kids of housing facilities they need?”

After that, he called her out for saying these detention centers were “concentration camps,” saying she was being offensive to Holocaust survivors: more

15 Comments on Flashback—Jake Tapper Grills AOC: ‘Did You Call Them Concentration Camps’ ‘When Obama Was President?’

  1. Ummm…I don’t think she was a Congresswoman* until 2017…
    …so…what a great “statement” on the Lying Leftist Media.

    Looks more like they’re giving her The Biden Treatment: pre-dumping unwanted politicians to make way for more scum.

    * (And I really don’t care about a bartender’s opinion.)

  2. Tapper is very concerned about Obama’s legacy, which appears to now be nothing more than creating the cages for detainees. Cortez triggered him, and now she’s met her match in bitchy vengefulness.

  3. “Well, at the time I was working in a restaurant,”

    b b b but that’s whut qualified you to be a Congresswoman!
    Chiquita Khrushchev doesn’t have to make any sense, just has to keep pushing the Communist party line!

  4. Given Biden and Pelosi and now their media is going after her it appears they’ve decided it is time to marginalize her and move to get rid of her. So sad.

  5. That a bartender could get elected to congress and change the national dialog; its both what is great and terrifying about America.
    Imagine if she was a voice of impeccable reason?
    Imagine if her passion was for restoring our great nation to the principles that made it great?
    Imagine if she wasn’t an angry, pandering power hungry douchenozzle equipped with weapons grade ignorance and an absence of self awareness akin to what is found in mollusks and bivalves

  6. In other words, per AOC the crisis is dire and something must be done immediately.
    But she is waiting for a bill she can support.
    Yeah, not how legislation works. If you need action now you learn to negotiate and live with compromise.
    Also, it seems like Tapper is on a teeter-totter – one day he is holding Dems to a tough line and the next he is ignoring facts to support their false claims.

  7. “If the words ‘Never again!’ mean anything we can’t put these people in concentration camps. But what made you think I was comparing what the US does on its border with what Nazi Germany did?”

  8. Breaking News:

    The work of Halocaust deniers like Alexandra Cortez and the rest of the democrat party, it is not discovered that there was no African slavery in the United States!

  9. I think @Anonymous has got a point. The next week or two will tell. If the progs behind both arms of the Democrat Party (the hard left and the so called moderates) have decided that AOC no longer has a use you’ll see more of the media going after her when she says/does something stupid. She’ll be marginalized and primaried for 2020 by someone the progs think will better suit their plans.


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