Flashback- Japan’s PM Says “No Refugees, Must Put Japanese Citizens First” – IOTW Report

Flashback- Japan’s PM Says “No Refugees, Must Put Japanese Citizens First”

I’m not seeing a boycott of Japanese products by concerned leftist activists.

Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

“I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants”

– Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

He said Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families.


16 Comments on Flashback- Japan’s PM Says “No Refugees, Must Put Japanese Citizens First”

  1. Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

    Not to mention that you all glow in the dark.

  2. I have seen the Tokyo Riot Police first hand. They don’t fuck around like in the states where our cops have to worry about being prosecuted for bending a fucking snowflake. When they line up on your ass and start moving forward with their batons swinging it’s like being run over by a ROTOTILLER!

  3. I like the part of the quote when he said “more activities by women” hahaha. I think what he means to say is “Have some damn babies you bunch of worthless womans!!”

  4. Every country outside the stupid liberal white western world takes this approach to immigration. They don’t see a need for it. Why don’t the liberals get their panties all wadded up over this racism all over the world? B/c liberalism is a mental disorder. China has a one sentence immigration policy: “China does not accept immigrants.” I say we adopt the same, and then send all the Chinese and all the other immigrants home to their native countries. Why do we allow ourselves to be flooded with Chinese, when they won’t allow any US citizens to move there? A: b/c we are stupid. Maybe this will change with Trump in office. The political winds do seem to be shifting w democrats losing seats at all levels of government most everywhere.

  5. Japan is very densely populated and a smaller population would mean a better quality of life for everyone. More elbow room, less traffic, lower land prices, less pollution. The powers that be and the corporate world push hard on the line that unless population increases forever, a nation is doomed into some nonsensical population death spiral. Well population sure is not decreasing in most of Africa and their population growth rates are a huge problem for them and every country in the world b/c Africans try to leave their overpopulated schittholes and move to more desirable less populated countries.

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