Flashback – John Lewis Turned Away By Marxists at OCCUPY ATLANTA – IOTW Report

Flashback – John Lewis Turned Away By Marxists at OCCUPY ATLANTA

Much was made recently about Trump smacking John Lewis down on Twitter. (Oh my God!! But it’s Martin Luther King weekend!)


Many curious citizens and media outlets came to the first Occupy Atlanta event, and were visible shocked and confused by the consistent Marxism employed by the group. People abandoned their individuality and liberty to be absorbed into a hypnotizing collective.

The facilitator made it clear that he was not a “leader” and that everyone was completely equal; words often spoken by leftists, but in this case they actually applied their philosophy. Into this surreal and oppressive environment, Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights hero and icon of American leftism, came to speak as has so often done at left-wing rallies and events in Atlanta.

He is practically worshiped in Democrat circles, and was visibly stunned to see these Marxists turn him away. It was reminiscent of previous Marxist revolutions in history when those who ignorantly supported the revolutionaries are, over time, purged and rejected for the “good of the collective”, when their usefulness has expired.


At 9:29 a man shouts “”John Lewis is no better than anyone else!”

And that man is RIGHT!

Lewis is Civil Rights Hero turned Hack —

2008: Falsely accused Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Gov. Sarah Palin of racism.

2010: Falsely claimed that Tea Party demonstrators said the “N-word” during anti-Obamacare rally.

2012: Falsely accused Republicans of wanting to take Americans back to Jim Crow.

2016: Falsely compared Donald Trump to George Wallace.

2016: Falsely claimed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) played no role in the civil rights movement.

2017: Falsely claimed Trump is “illegitimate” because of a Russian “conspiracy.”




20 Comments on Flashback – John Lewis Turned Away By Marxists at OCCUPY ATLANTA

  1. “Lewis bears scars from the incident on his head that are still visible today.”
    They must have hit him hard in the head.
    John Lewis has forgotten it was Democrats who kicked his head in on that bridge in Selma.

  2. He fought for his rights and good for him. He should be remembered for moving the ball forward during a critical time for civil rights. However, 54 years later, he needs to be able to hang his hat on other accomplishments over those years and not merely hang on to his past glory, like John McCain.

  3. @Jar… Well, when you’re selling influence, and then suddenly your shelves are as bare as a Venezuelan market’s, the only thing to do is put the money in Cayman, fire the employees and hide.

  4. Remember how vehemently this Democrat tool defended Hillary Clinton during all of the hearings
    investigating Benghazi. He’s a total hack, living off his reputation from the Civil Rights era. Lewis never met a socialist program he didn’t embrace.

  5. I heard years ago that the supposed beating that Lewis purportedly suffered at the hands of that democrat paid trooper (incurred while he was breaking the law) was really bestowed upon him by the pimp of a prostitute who he wouldn’t pay for services rendered!

  6. Conservative need to stop giving credance to the Civil Rights Movement. Don’t belive the hype. It had nothing to do with civil rights. It was a battle between democrats who had seized governing power and marxist groups (SNCC, SCLC etc.) seeking control and support of minority communities.
    The constitutional rights to vote, gun ownership and school districting were used as platforms to implement socialist initiatives. The only significant thing the so-called Civil Rights Movement did was expose to the world the corrupt political and social environment of poverty in the South caused by the left.
    In typical marxist fashion, John Lewis was rejected by the OWS because he did not fit image of the target group – millenials. In addition, the racial component was not relevant at that time.
    Eventually, the racial component became highly significant when marxists, in particular, the BLM declared war on the police. Division is a main strategy of Marxism. Useful idiots are selected based on what enemy group marxist choose to attract to create a socialist “utopia”.

  7. Was he the one who said he was spit on by a tea party person 117 times? That’s a lot of spit. lol.
    Of course, it was complete bullshnitzel.

    McCain is in Hanoi Hilton. Hero. Then he became one of the worst anti-republic assholes in Congress.
    But we can only speak of him as a hero?

    Lewis did his march. hero. Then he became a McCain plus racist.
    But we can only speak of him as a hero?

    Hitler was an artist before he went full on insane and slaughtered millions of people.
    But he was only an artist, right?

  8. The sweating lip smacker has bit off more then he can chew when he decided he’s going to start a pissing match against TRUMP..
    Its time for the bug eyed lip smacker to fuk off.

  9. In unrelated news, American Thinker this morning is reporting the Clinton Global Initiative is shutting down and laying off workers.

    And the unemployment rate will drop another half point. And the Clintons thought they owned Obama. Well, they do run the democrat party plantation…

  10. John Lewis was only 25 years old when he participated on the march on Selma. That’s his only “claim to fame”. He’s been a Representative to Congress since 1987. Has he helped the 5th District? Nope.

    Just like Hank Johnson hasn’t helped the 4th District.

    My 87 year old mom has always said that Coretta Scott King was a professional widow and John Lewis was a professional n*****

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